Monday, September 30, 2013

Bilingual writing and self-translation

Isabel del Rio has written a short essay about writing her latest bilingual book of short stories Zero Negative – Cero negativo in both English and Spanish:
"And so each of the 16 short stories include a version in English and a version in Spanish. I would not call it self-translation, as both versions could and should be considered original stories. In fact, sometimes both versions were written simultaneously."
To read the full essay by Isabel del Rio please click here.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Self-Translation in Two Movements

An essay on self-translation by Geneviève Robichaud, where she also talks about the experience of translating herself:
"If the act of self-translation is a creative one, then perhaps it is more apt to speak of two versions, each one furthering the other. This was true of the writing process itself where the Chiac version sent me to the English version to perform certain changes; this bouncing back and forth, a form of collaboration not present in other kinds of translations, shows that the language of original and target text are less than apt terms."
Don't miss to click on the slide-show above the article.

To read the complete essay please click here.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Cfp: De l'éthique à la censure

De l’éthique à la censure : les contraintes en traduction et en traductologie
13e édition de l’Odyssée de la traductologie; Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs en traduction; Université Concordia, Montréal, Québec, Canada
L’Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs en traduction de l’Université Concordia est heureuse de vous inviter à la 13e édition de son colloque étudiant : l’Odyssée de la traductologie, qui se tiendra le 27 mars 2014. [...]
Voici quelques questions, parmi tant d’autres, qui pourraient être explorées : [...]
Aspects sociologiques
·       L’autotraduction : auteur ou traducteur. Les particularités et les contraintes propres à l’étude de ce phénomène.
[...]  Le temps alloué à chaque communication sera d’environ 20 minutes, et sera suivi d’une période de questions de 10 minutes. Les propositions devront être rédigées en français ou en anglais. Chaque proposition devra inclure un résumé d’environ 200 mots. Veuillez soumettre votre proposition au plus tard le 1er décembre 2013 par courriel (, en prenant soin d’indiquer votre nom, adresse, université et programme d’études et d’inclure une courte biobibliographie. 

To read the full call for papers, please click here.

RMMLA Annual Convention

Self-translation will be a topic at the RMMLA Annual Convention, taking place in Vancouver, Washington, USA, 10-12.10.2013.
Otilia G. Baraboi: Cioran and Beckett: Cultural Performativity and Poetics of Self-Translation.
To see the full program, please click here.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Multilingual writers: a blind spot in translation studies

A talk given by Reine Meylaerts on multilingual writers, in which she also discusses self-translation, has been published on the website of the research group Translation  & Paratranslation.

To see the video, please click here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Conference: Vassilis Alexakis et les langues

The conference "Vassilis Alexakis et les langues" will take place from 26-27.09.2013 in Amiens, France. Vassilis Alexakis will also be present. There will be at least two talks about his self-translations on Thursday:
  • 15h00  Ina Berger: "Auto-traduction ou la métamorphose perpétuelle de l’original chez Vassilis Alexakis- Défi pour la traduction allographe" 
  • 15h30 Maria Recuenco Penalver: "Depuis Les Girls du City Boum-Boum jusqu’au Premier Mot: A propos de l’évolution de l’auto-traduction alexakienne"
To see the full program, please click here.

And since this is after all a personal blog: 
Girls, I wish time and money would allow me to be with you at the conference. I know you two will do great! Tons of luck and tell me all about it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jen Minkman: Self-translation & Self-publishing

Jen Minkman (*1978) has self-translated her novel Shadow Time from Dutch into English.:
"[T]he chances of being translated into English as a Dutch writer are very, very slim. So I decided to translate my books myself so I could reach a wider audience of readers worldwide. Since most of the Anglophone publishing world works with agents, I chose to self-publish because that would be a quicker way to get my book on the market." (Word Vagabond 2013)
Self-translation has been a good experience for her and she especially appreciates the possibility to improve her novel while translating it:
"I am planning to translate each and every book I write from now on. Not only is it a good way to get known across the border, it is also a very good method to revise your own manuscripts. When you’re translating a story, sometimes you suddenly realize that certain dialogues or scenes just don’t work, so you cut them out or change them."  (Word Vagabond 2013)
To read the full interview with Jen Minkman on World Vagabond, please click here.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Self-Translation in the Iberian Peninsula, 20-21 September 2013 Cork, Ireland

The conference programme is now available online.

Atelier de recherche de traduction Marseille 19-20.09.2013

Self-translation will be a topic at the Atelier de recherche de traduction which is taking place from 19.-20.09.2013 in Marseille, France:
16h00: Eric Robertson, Poésie bilingue et auto-traduction: l’accueil de l’étranger
For more information on the conference, please click here.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Journée d’études : "Écrire entre les langues / écrire en langues"

Self-translation will be at topic at the Journée d’études : "Écrire entre les langues / écrire en langues", 08.11.2013 in Paris:
12.20-12.45 Christian Estrade: Écriture et autotraduction chez Copi
Place: Salons de l'INALCO Escalier C, deuxième étage 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris Métros : Saint-Germain des Prés, Musée d'Orsay
For more information on the conference, please click here.

"L'inventeur de l'amour de Gherasim Luca : genèse d'une auto-traduction"

Susanna Spero (ITEM) will give a talk with the title "L'inventeur de l'amour de Gherasim Luca : genèse d'une auto-traduction" on 18.10.2013 in Paris.
Place: CNRS, 59/61 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris, salle 159 (1er étage) M° Brochant ou M° Guy Moquet
For more information, please click here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Asli Perker: " I now translate all my novels into English"

Asli Perker (*1975) has self-translated her latest novel Soufflé (2013) from Turkish into English. It was her first self-translation, but not her last:
“I don't know how or why I came up with the idea, but I now translate all my novels into English. It’s such a long process, but it really helps me get the feeling right.”
Please click here to read the full interview.

[CFP] Self-translation in Children's and young adult books

Call for papers: Conference: Self-translation in Children's and young adult books Padua, 13-14 February 2025 Self-translation has only r...