Saturday, January 23, 2016

Conference: Collaborative Translation and self-translation

A Workshop at the University of Birmingham Saturday 23 January 2016, 9am - 6pm Room 112, Muirhead Tower, Edgbaston Campus, University of Birmingham. All welcome.
The workshop is funded by CEELBAS and has been organised by Dr Natasha Rulyova under the auspices of the Birmingham Centre for Translation

09:15-11:15 Panel One: Theorising Collaborative Translation and Self-Translation

  • Anthony Cordingley, ‘A Genetic Approach to Self-Translation and Collaborative Translation’ 
  • Julie Hansen, ‘Different Types of Self-Translation, with a Focus on Translingual Writing’ 
  • Eva Gentes, ‘Translating with a Self-Translator: The Many Faces of Collaborative Translation’ 
  • Dr Olga Castro, ‘Self-translation, Power and Activism: the (In-)visible Author-Translator’s Role’ 

11:30-13:00 Panel Two: Collaboration in (Self-)Translation: From German Philosophy to Basque Literature

  • Hilary Brown, ‘Translation, Collaboration and Gender in Early Modern Germany’ 
  • Elizabete Manterola Agirrezabalaga, ‘Collaborative Self-translation in a Diglosic Literature and The Power Implications’ 
  • Duncan Large, ‘Self-Translations by Western Philosophers’ 

13:00-14:00 Working Lunch: Discussion about further development of relevant research and collaborative (!) work on potential large grants

14:00-16:00 Panel Three: Identifying Collaboration (or Lack of It?) in Self-Translation

  • Lyudmila Razumova, ‘Polyvalence of Self-Translation in Vladimir Nabokov’s Writing’ 
  • Alexandra Berlina, ‘Memory and More in Brodsky’s Self-Translations’ 
  • Eugenia Kilbert, ‘(Un)collaborative Self-Translation’ 
  • Natalia Rulyova, ‘Brodsky’s Collaborative Self-Translation’ 

16:00-16:15 Coffee Break

16:15-18:00 Panel Four: Learning from Practitioners: Writers, Translators and Self-Translators

  • Natasha Lvovich, ‘Medication against Nostalgia’ and the Window into Translingual Creative Process’ 
  • Robert Chandler, ‘Researching and Reshaping the Source Text’ 
  • Victor Sonkin, ‘All Roads Lead To… Where? The joys and pitfalls of self-translating a historical guidebook’ 
  • Alexandra Borisenko ‘Translator’s Investigation: Compiling Anthologies of Crime Fiction at the Translation Workshop’

Monday, January 4, 2016

Update Bibliography

The bibliography on self-translation has been updated.
For any additions, please leave a comment.
To access the pdf-file, please click here.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...