Friday, May 17, 2024

JLM Special issue on Self-translation in 21st century is out!

Journal of Literary Multilingualism -Special Issue: Literary Self-Translation in the 21st Century: A Global View edited by Trish van Bolderen and myself is now published!

The volume sheds light on regions, writers, practices, and contexts that have thus far received little to no critical attention. You will find lots of interesting and provocative new takes on what it means to translate one's own writing - including big-picture reflection, up-close analysis, and conversations with self-translating authors. 

Contributions cover topics such as:
  • Self-translation in Asian languages, especially Chinese (Cordingley and Stenberg, Ma and Kimura, Wong and Kimura)
  • Self-translation in new digital (self-)publishing formats, such as webcomics and social media posts (Van Dijk, Kampert)
  • Self-translation in the context of lesser-translated languages (Kampert, Stocco)
  • Representations of queer and feminist voices in self-translation (Stocco, Ma and Kimura)
  • Trilingual self-translation (Van Bolderen & Hazelton & Saravia)
Content overview:
  • Eva Gentes and Trish Van Bolderen:
    Introduction: Literary Self-Translation in the 21st Century
  • Anthony Cordingley and Josh Stenberg:
    Self-Translation in the Sinosphere: Challenging Orthodoxies from Shanghai to Taipei to Makassar  [open access]
  • Floriane Van Dijk:
    Self-Translation and Comics: Practices, Attitudes, and Publishing
  • Magdalena Kampert:
    Saving the Unsavable or Self-Translating to Exist? An Investigation into Self-Translation in Sicilian Context [open access]
  • Melisa Stocco:
    Nonnormative Self-Translation and Code-Switching in Argentina ’s New Feminist and Queer Poetry
  • Yahia Ma and Tets Kimura:
    Self-translation, Rewriting, and Translingual Address: Li Kotomi’s Solo Dance [open access]
  • Elaine Wong und Li Kotomi:
    Interview: A Translingual Voice in Japanese Literature: A Conversation between Li Kotomi and Elaine Wong
  • Trish Van Bolderen, Hugh Hazelton, and Alejandro Saravia:
    Interview: Trilingual Literary Self-Translation: An Interview with Two Montreal Writers, Hugh Hazelton and Alejandro Saravia
  • Paul M. Worley:
    Book Review: Melisa Stocco, La Autotraducción en la Literatura Mapuche. New York: Peter Lang, 2021. isbn 978-1433173158. 246pp. $US89.95.
  • Rainer Guldin:
    Book Review: Katie Jones, Julian Preece and Aled Rees (eds.), International Perspectives on Multilingual Literatures. From Translingualism to Language Mixing. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. isbn 978-1-5275-6017-8. v + 307 pages, hardback. £84.
Please visit the website of the Journal of Literary Multlilingualism to start reading the three open access articles and ask your librarian to order the journal to access the other contributions:

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...