Everything on Self-translation/ Autotraduction/Autotraducción/Autotraduzione/Selbstübersetzung Welcome to my blog ! My name is Eva Gentes and I am a Postdoc researcher in Germany. My main research area is self-translation. My PhD dissertation discusses the (in)visibility of self-translation in contemporary literature in Romance Languages. I am currently looking for a Postdoc position / research fellowship in Comparative Literature or Translation Studies. Get in touch: eva.gentes[at]gmail.com
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Program conference Perpignan
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Conference "Briding Cultures"
Victoria Lipina: Vladimir Nabokov's Self-Translation: A Drama of Reunion
(Wednesday, 4:00pm-4:30pm; Advanced; Presented in: English)
The presentation will focus on the challenges of dealing with the translation-creation activity of Vladimir Nabokov. When examining the Russian and English versions of Nabokov's Lolita, and the nature of discordancy between the texts, the presenter finds that the Russian version of the novel is not a fairly close translation. In comparison to Nabokov's Mashen'ka and Priglashenie na kazn, Lolita is an independent text.
To see the full programm, please click here.
Conference: Literature & Translation, Australia
The panel (chair: Marc Orlando) consists of the following contributions:
‘Tawada Yoko does not exist’: Yoko Tawada’s translations
Translation of poetry from English to Indonesian: the case study of ‘Leaving Beirut’ / ‘Meninggalkan Beirut’
The twenty-year masterclass: Paul Celan’s correspondence with Gisèle Celan-Lestrange
CFP: Nancy Huston
Institut du Monde Anglophone, Université Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3, France - 8-9 June 2012
Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2011
The following topics have been suggested:
1. Self-translation
- The process of self-translation and the relationship to the mother tongue
- The status of self-translation
- The question of fidelity and infidelity in translation; fidelity to whom, to what?
- Bilingual "brothers" : Samuel Beckett, Romain Gary
2. Feminism, the body and maternity
3. The question of individual or collective identity and that of multiple identities
4. The language of exile
- The relation to that which is foreign
- The dialectics of sameness and otherness at the heart of translation
- Self-translation as writing between two languages: a position at the edge
5. The role of the writer, of literature and of translation
Click here to find the call for papers.
PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)
Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...
The Acentos Review has recently published an interview with Rolando Hinojosa-Smith conducted in 2012 by Marlene Hansen Esplin. Hansen Esplin...