Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bibliography on self-translation

As you may have noticed the website with the bibliography is currently down. It will be back with an updated version of the bibliography next month. I will post as soon as it is available again. If you need it before, leave a comment and I will send you the last version via mail.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Memory, The United States and Transnational Poetics

Self-translation has been discussed at the conference Memory, The United States and Transnational Poetics which took place from 29-30 June in Bochum, Germany:

Alexandra Berlina: "Self-Translations in Close Reading: Iosif Brodskii / Joseph Brodsky"

The abstract of the talk is available online. Please click here to read it. You have to click on the title in order for the abstract to appear.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...