Friday, September 7, 2012

Ouyang Yu

Ouyang Yu is the first self-translator in my data base who is living in Australia. Born in China in 1955, he moved to Australia in 1991 as a PhD student and is currently working as a writer and translator in Melbourne. He is writing in Chinese and English and has published over 50 works (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, literary criticism, translations) so far.

A bilingual collection of his poetry with the title Self Translation has recently been published by Transit Lounge Publishing. According to his homepage "it is a collection of poems originally written in Chinese, across a span of more than 20 years, that Ouyang translated into English himself, which were later published in such English-speaking countries as Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the UK and Canada." (

In 2012 he had published another bilingual collection Bilingual Love: Poems from 1975-2008, but although the English and Chinese poems are printed on facing pages,they are against all expectations not original and translation but truly different poems. (

For more information on the author, take a look at his homepage.
As an example of his poetry, I suggest to read the poem "Translating Myself".

Further reading:
Brennan, Michael (2011) Interview with Ouyang Yu. Available online.
Mangione, Tom (2012): Ouyang Yu: Chinese-Australian Australian-Chinese Poet. In: Talk Magazine. Available online.


Unknown said...

I just came across your blog while researching Ouyang's poem.
I'd be thrilled to read your dissertation.

my blog:

Eva Gentes said...

Hi Anna Dulba-Barnett,
my dissertation is not finished yet and it is written in German. If you read German let me know.
I also have a diploma thesis on this topic also in German.
But I have one article published in English on Bilingual Editions & self-translation. I will check out your blog later.
Best wishes

Ouyang Yu’s blog said...

is this thesis complete please? ouyang

Eva Gentes said...

yes, my dissertation is finished. It is open access, but is is written in German. Here is the link:übersetzung.pdf

Ouyang Yu said...

Thank you. But my new blog address is: and my new website is:

I provide this because your info on me seems quite outdated.

And thank you for providing your PhD thesis.



Eva Gentes said...

Dear Ouyang, well the post is from 2012 so I kind of expect it to be outdated by now :) Thanks for providing the new links for readers who come across it.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

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