Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gender and Postmodernism in Puerto Rico: the multifacted work of Rosario Ferré

Conference about the self-translator Rosario Ferré
University of Western Brittany (Brest-Quimper) from April 4th to 6th, 2013

The aim of this Congress is to explore the different facets of a multifacted production based on the following themes:
1. The writing context: the Puerto Rican literary press in the 1960s.
2. Feminism and writing in Puerto Rico. Questions of gender in the work of Rosario Ferré
3.  The difficult  coexistence of  languages in contact with one another: bilingualism,
translation, self-translation in the work of Rosario Ferré and in post-colonial Puerto Rican literature

- Summaries of papers (a summary of 2000 signs, spaces included) should be sent before the 31st of January 2013 to the following address:

31st January 2013: deadline for sending summaries
28th February 2013: acceptance notification deadline
15th March 2013: publication of final program
- Inscription fees for each participant: 115 euro (includes meals during Congress and
publication of articles)

Languages of the congress: English, French and Spanish

The call for papers is available in Spanish, French and English here.

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