Sunday, December 15, 2013

L’Italie au miroir : bilinguisme et auto-traduction dans la poésie de Christina Rossetti

In her recent article titled "Italy in the Mirror: Bilingualism and Self-Translation in Christina Rossetti's Poetry", Mélody Enjoubault discusses Rossetti’s own translations of her nursery rhymes published under the title Ninna-Nanna

The article is available online.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Self-translation / Self-destruction

Ian Monk, member of Oulipo, writes about his self-translating experiences by comparing himself to Dr. Frankenstein:
"And what a pain it turned out to be. The further I got stuck into the two texts in question, the more my translations seemed utterly limp and lifeless. And the more I worked over them, the more I felt like some kind of Dr. Frankenstein, with a monster on the slab which was staying stubbornly dead, no matter how many lightning flashes were aimed at its heart."
Nevertheless, the piece we can read on Wordswithoutborders has been self-translated!
So please head over to the fantastic Wordswithoutborders to read the entire article - worth reading!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

“Self-Translation and the Nobel Prize: 100 years of Tagore’s Gitanjali”.

Harish Trivedi gave a talk with the title “Self-Translation and the Nobel Prize: 100 years of Tagore’s Gitanjali” in March this year at the Centre for Translation at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
You can read the abstract of his talk here and watch the whole talk (123 minutes!) here.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...