Wednesday, June 8, 2016

cfp Narrating the Self in Self-translation


Narrating the Self in Self-translation
edited by Giorgia Falceri, Eva Gentes, and Elizabete Manterola


This issue aims at investigating how self-translation shapes the writing of multilingual authors in their self-narrations.

We will accept original contributions exploring single case studies, as well as more ample questions related to - but not limited to - for example:

• transcultural / transnational memory in migrant, self-translating writers;
• forms of autobiographical works/language memoirs/autofictions where linguistic and cultural identity are shaped by the passage from native language to acquired language;
• language choice (native vs. acquired; vernacular vs. codified variety) and directionality of the translation process;
• (self-)translation as a thematic device and as a call to literary creation;
• re-self-translation; • reinvention of the self through translation and rewriting;
• (self-)censorship made visible through self-translation.

Contributions on ‘interior’ or ‘mental’ self-translation will not be taken into consideration for this monographic section.

We will accept contributions in Italian, English, French and Spanish.
All potential authors are requested to send a 300-word abstract and a bio-bibliographical note (150 words) to: by July 10th, 2016.
Contributors will receive abstract acceptance by July 30th.
Accepted contributions must be submitted by October 30th, 2016 and will undergo peer review before publication (publication of the issue: May, 2017)

To read the full cfp in Italian (page 1-2) and in English (page 3-4) please click here
The French call for papers has also been published on Fabula.

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