Thursday, March 30, 2017

Self-translation at the ACQL Annual Conference May 27-29, 2017 Ryerson University

Self-translation will be the topic of a session at the ACQL Annual Conference taking place May 27-29, 2017 at the Ryerson University.

Sunday, May 28 / Dimanche 28 mai: 13h30-15h00 / 1:30-3:00
Séance / Session 5C (avec ACLA / with CCLA):
Self-Translation and Canadian Writers / L’auto-traduction et les écrivains canadiens
VIC - Victoria 501
Chair/Présidence: Joseph Pivato
  • Eva C. Karpinski (York University): Self-Translation and/as Neuroplasticity: Re-examining Nancy Huston’s Losing North/Nord perdu and The Tale-Tellers/L’espèce fabulatrice 
  • Tiziana Nannavecchia (University of Ottawa): Impossible monolingualism: selftranslation as a way of life in Antonio D’Alfonso’s Babel. 
  • Elena Anna Spanguolo (University of Manchester): Self-Translation: Giving Voice to a Hybrid Identity 
  • Trish Van Bolderen (University of Ottawa): Is Nancy Huston a Canadian self-translator?

Furthermore, some other talks will discuss the works of several self-translators:
  • Renée von Paschen (University of Vienna): The Canadian Poet’s Identity & SelfTranslation
  • Riley Klassen-Molyneaux (University of Calgary): Distance de l’Autre : la langue, le temps et la terre dans Bâtons à message/Tshissinuatshitakana de Joséphine Bacon et Née de la pluie et de la terre de Rita Mestokosho
  • Amélie-Anne Mailhot (Université d’Ottawa) : L’écriture d’une géographie politique et poétique : An Kapesh, Rita Mestokosho et Joséphine Bacon

To see the full program, please click here.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...