Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Postdoc Research position Translation and Self-Translation in the 20th Century (Italy)

ORGANISATION/COMPANY: Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
LOCATION: Italy › Cassino
RESEARCH FIELD:  Language sciences / Literature
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 29/08/2019 23:59 - Europe/Brussels
REQUIRED EDUCATION LEVEL: Language sciences: PhD or equivalent // Literature: PhD or equivalent

Self-translation in 19th century German texts will be systematically investigated. Translations and self-translations by the same author, along with translations of the same text by different translators will be collected in a general corpus. The corpus will make use also of digital resourses enabling the investigator to classify the various translation solutions according to their linguistic and stylistic consistency. An organised collection of the relevant textual and linguistic items will be thus made available in the field of Self-translation studies. The call is for a position of temporary researcher type B (law n. 240/2010). It is open to candidates who have had a position as temporary researcher type A (law n. 240/2010) or have been awarded a research grant for at least three years (not necessarily continuous) or have obtained the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) in the scientific microsector…… The position include teaching and research activities related to the scientific sector L-LIN/14 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE – LINGUA TEDESCA. Teaching activities will be conducted in Italian and in German language in undergraduate and master’s degree courses.
Research activities are expected to produce original results in the study of self-translation practices in 19th century German texts. A specific corpus of texts will be created in order to classify the various translation solutions according to their linguistic and stylistic consistency. An organised collection of the relevant textual and linguistic items will be thus made available in the field of Self-translation studies.


Update Bibliography on self-translation

The bibliography on self-translation has been updated. To download the pdf-file please click here. If you have any suggestions for further entries, please leave a comment. The next update is scheduled for 1st of October 2019.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Autotraduzione. Obiettivi, strategie, testi

New volume on self-translation published. Autotraduzione. Obiettivi, strategie, testi edited by Bruno Berni e Alessandra D’Atena (Isbn 978-88-95868-35-6).

Bruno Berni – Alessandra D’Atena,  Introduzione, 7-15
Simona Anselmi,  Self-translators’ teloi, 17- 36
Bruno Berni, «Pura pedanteria e annotazioni inutili». Holberg traduttore di Holberg, 37-54
Alessandra D’Atena, « Nil pensar – apauco precar» / «Gar nichts denken  – beinah beten». Studio della poesia Paz / Friede  di Stefan George, 55-79
Rossana Sebellin,  L’autotraduzione teatrale (e il suo paratesto) nella  poetica di Samuel Beckett, 81-94
Lucia Salvato,  Scelte linguistiche e strategie comunicative nell’au-totraduzione tedesca: Ruth Klüger e Wolfgang Hildesheimer a con-  fronto, 95-121
Eva Gentes, Transmigration und Selbstübersetzung – Linda Olsson und Miroslav Penkov, 122-144.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...