Wednesday, February 26, 2020

CfP: 1st International Conference on non-literary Self-translation. Self-translation beyond literature

Conference venue and date: Vitoria-Gasteiz, 10th -11th September 2020
Languages: Basque, Spanish and English
Organization: Elizabete Manterola ( & Josep Miquel Ramis (

Self-translation is a worldwide phenomenon and is particularly present in multilingual environments, yet it only became a topic of investigation in the last decade or so. Today, more and more studies are being devoted to the topic every day and researchers specializing in this subject have been publishing myriad articles, monographs, books and other contributions, which are collected in the bibliography edited by Eva Gentes ( Similarly, several
conferences on self-translation have been held, among which two previous ones in the Faculty of Arts of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Self-Translation: local and global (2015) and Autoitzulpena eremu diglosikoetan [Self-translation in diglossic environments] (2017).

So far however, both publications and conferences have mostly focused on literary self-translation, observing and analyzing writers’ bilingualism, author-translator collaborations or reasons why writers translate their own works. This conference aims at offering a different perspective by inviting studies of self-translation in other professional environments. This way, we would like to draw attention to the presence of self-translation in written and audiovisual media as well as the medical, educational orlegal fields, among others. The aim of this colloquium is to observe the differences and similarities between self-translation in literary and non-literary contexts, as well as to open new productive research avenues on literary self-translation.

Paper proposals can be submitted, up until 15th May, on any of the following topics:
  • Self-translation and (mass) media
  • Self-translation and audiovisual industry
  • Self-translation and education
  • Self-translation in academic environments
  • Self-translation in medical environments
  • Self-translation in legal environments
  • Differences between literary self-translation and other types of self-translation
  • History of non-literary self-translation

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Talk: “He Wrecked the Boat.” Code-Switching and Self-Translation in Tlingit Oral Literature

Matthew Spellberg is giving a talk with the title "'He Wrecked the Boat.' Code-Switching and Self-Translation in Tlingit Oral Literature" on Monday, 24th February 2020 at 12:00 pm at Princeton, 144 Louis A. Simpson International Building.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Talk: "The challenges of self-translation and bilingual writing", 10th March, Sydney

Judith Mendoza-White, bilingual Spanish-English writer, will give a talk on the challenges of self-translation and bilingual writing on 10th March at 5:00 pm at the Sydney University Research Community for Latin America seminar, Australia.

In this paper Judith Mendoza-White looks at the challenges involved in the practice of self-translation and bilingual writing, as she writes in Spanish and English and has produced versions of most of her work in both languages. These challenges go beyond the linguistic realm, as cultural connotations and underlying meaning may remain unreachable to the second language speaker, however fluent and accurate her knowledge of the language may be. In addition to this, the writer’s identity can become compromised in the process of self-translation, as feelings of betrayal to the mother tongue may develop. The author will also look at the dual impact of self-translation, both on the mother tongue and the second language pieces: the two final versions of the same work involve recreation and rewriting rather than translation per se, and often affect each other in previously unsuspected ways.

Source with more information:

Friday, February 7, 2020

CfP: Society for Neo-Latin Studies: Philip Ford Annual Postgraduate Day in London

The Society for Neo-Latin Studies is holding its annual Philip Ford Postgraduate Day in London on 20th March 2020.

The focus of the event will be 'Neo-Latin and the Vernacular'. There will be an interactive session on bilingual writing/self-translation in the early modern period led by Dr Sara Miglietti and a talk by Professor Ingrid de Smet on methodology in translating Neo-Latin texts. Additionally, postgraduates and early career researchers will present their papers in two panels (see CFP below). The event will also be an excellent opportunity for MA students and postgraduate, post-doctoral and early career researchers to find out more about Neo-Latin projects, discuss ideas, and meet other scholars in the discipline. 
PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE We may be able to contribute some travel bursaries, and please email Lucy Nicholas ( prior to the event in this regard.
Date: 20 March 2020, 12.30pm - 5.00pm
Institute: The Warburg Institute
Type: Workshop
Venue: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB


We invite proposals from interested postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers for 20-minute papers on any topic related to Neo-Latin and the vernacular(s); they should include the speaker’s affiliation and research interests, an abstract of the paper to be given (c. 150 words) and a provisional paper title.

Proposals should be submitted by 1 March 2020 and speakers will be notified as soon as possible of the outcome of the selection process. Please submit proposals via email to Dr Lucy Nicholas ( and Sharon van Dijk ( If you have any questions or require further information, please also contact Dr Lucy Nicholas or Sharon van Dijk.


Sunday, February 2, 2020

New volume: Self-translators on self-translation

Fabio Regattin and Aleassandra Ferraro recently published the volume Gli scrittori si traducono which contains a collection of essays by and interviews with self-translators. Most of these eleven essays and interviews have previously been published in a different language than Italian and have now been translated into Italian. This volume is, thus, especially relevant for Italian-language researchers on self-translation. Each contribution is preceded by a short introduction about the author by the editors. The earliest contribution is by Julien Green from 1941 and the newest is an interview by Fabio Regattin with the German-French self-translator Anne Weber conducted in 2019. The editors opted for a chronological order of the contributions:


  • Fabio Regattin: Le testimonianze degli autotradutorri, un primo passo necessario - e ciò che dovrebbe seguire, pp. 7-14
  • Julien Green, 1941/1943 - My first book in English / Il mio primo libro in inglese, pp. 15-39
  • Dôre Michelut, 1989 - Scendere a patti con la lingua materna, pp. 41-50
  • Raymond Federman, 1993 - Una voce dentro una voce: Federman traduce/tradurre Federman, pp. 51-61
  • Marco Micone, 2004 - Tradurre, tradire, pp. 63-67
  • Nancy Huston, 2007 - Traduttore non è traditore, pp. 69-75
  • Jorge Semprún, 2008 - Una conversazione con Jorge Semprún. Autoraduzione, ricordi e modi di riscrivere (intervista di Patricia López López-Gay), pp. 77-87
  • Licia Canton, 2015 - Tradursi ogni giorno, pp. 89-95
  • Gianna Patriarca, 2015 - La trilogia di una lingua, pp. 97-101
  • Vassilis Alexakis, 2015 - "È la storia che ha scelto per me" (intervista di Valeria Sperti), pp. 103-112
  • Gao Xingjian, 2018 - Tra cinese e francese (intervista di Simona Gallo), pp. 113-122
  • Anne Weber, 2015 e 2019 - "Ciò che mi caratterizza, forse, è il senso sbagliato..." e "È l'originale che è fedele alla traduzione" (interviste di Dirk Weissmann e Fabio Regattin), pp. 123-136.
Fabio Regattin & Alessandra Ferraro (eds.): Gli scrittori si traducono, Città di Castello: Casa editrice Emil di Odoya, 2019. ISBN 978-88-6680-325-6, 17 Euros.

I would like to thank Fabio Regattin for sending me a copy of this great volume!

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...