Wednesday, February 12, 2025

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description:
The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrainian writer and intellectual Ivan Franko (1856-1916). In your research, you will use Franko's 'self-translation' activities as a base for a larger investigation into the history of literary self-translation as a multilingual and intercultural practice in Ukraine. It is a well-known fact that Franko wrote and published a large number of texts (including two novels) first in Polish and then translated them into Ukrainian or vice versa. He also translated some of his texts from and into German. Interesting questions you are going to research are: what is the motivation behind such self-translations against the background of the central or peripheral position of languages in the Danube monarchy? What translation strategies characterise this practice and what relationship exists in this respect between Franko's self-translations and the rest of his translation oeuvre?
In the next stage of your PhD project, you will try to find out to what extent the practice of self-translation is continued after the fall of the Danube monarchy, firstly in the language pairs Ukrainian-German and/or Ukrainian-Polish, secondly - and especially after World War II - for Ukrainian-Russian. In view of the feasibility of the PhD project (completion of the dissertation in 2029), it is advisable that you limit yourself to three interconnected case studies: the first on Franko, the second on a self-translator between the World Wars, the third on self-translation in the period from the mid-twentieth century to the present.
Candidates need to have the following qualifications:
  • a completed Master's degree in in Slavic Studies, Literary Studies and/or Translation Studies.
  • excellent research skills demonstrated by an outstanding Master's thesis and a demonstrable capacity to develop a track record of publishing in high-ranking journals and/or with leading presses
  • a strong cooperative attitude and willingness to engage in collaborative research;
  • enthusiasm for communicating academic research to non-academic audiences;
  • good command of English, excellent reading skills in Ukrainian, Polish, and Russian;
  • reading skills in German are a plus.
Please note that if you already hold a doctorate/PhD or are working towards obtaining a similar degree elsewhere, you will not be admitted to a doctoral programme at the UvA
Application deadline: 15-3-2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Colloque international: L’autotraduction dans l’édition pour l’enfance et la jeunesse

 Colloque International

L’autotraduction dans l’édition pour l’enfance et la jeunesse

Université de Padoue, 13-14 février 2025

Complesso Beato Pellegrino – Meeting Room

For more information: 

You can follow the colloque online, you can find the link on the website on the pdf program.


  • 14h00 Ouverture des travaux 
  • 14h30-16h15 Rainier Grutman (University of Ottawa) Self-translation and Children’s Literature: some insights from Belgium, Canada and Spain
  • 16h30 Paola Mancosu (Università degli Studi di Milano) La intersección entre la autotraducción de literaturas en lenguas indígenas y la literatura infantil y juvenil en Europa 
  • 17h00 Josep Miquel Ramis (Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona) Catalan Literature Self-translations in Children’s and Youth Books. A panorama of the last 50 years
  •  17h30 Giuseppe Sofo (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia) Tradurre e (auto)tradursi per l’infanzia: un’(auto)analisi
  •  18h00 Clôture de la journée 
  • 9h00 Virginie Douglas (Université Le Havre Normandie) Les Petites reines de Clémentine Beauvais entre français et anglais 
  •  9h30 Marguerite Mouton (Université de Bordeaux) Le texte original et son autotraduction sur la page d’un album de jeunesse philippin : l’exemple de l’œuvre de Ramón C. Sunico 
  •  10h00 Marie-Christine Anastassiadi (Université Nationale et Capodistrienne d’Athènes) | Magdalini Pappa (Université Nationale et Capodistrienne d’Athènes, Nantes Université) La balade interculturelle de Petros : autotraduire du grec en français un roman graphique dérivé d’un roman de littérature jeunesse 
  •  10h30 Mirella Piacentini (Università degli Studi di Padova) (Auto-)Traduire La voix de la meute de Gaia Guasti du français vers l’italien 
  •  11h00 Pause Café
  • 11h30 Fabio Regattin (Università degli Studi di Udine) Un éditeur peut-il s’autotraduire ? 
  • 12h00 Yoo-jung Kim (Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis) Traduction, autotraduction ou adaptation ? Question épistémologique sur les contes étrangers « traduits » 
  •  2h30 Sílvia Aymerich-Lemos (Auteure et traductrice) | Hélène Beaulieu (Chercheuse et traductrice) | Josep-Joan Centelles (Université de Barcelone) Entre l’allo- et l’autotraduction : la transcréation, une forme optimisée d’adaptation 
  • 13h00 Clôture des travaux

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...