Saturday, September 5, 2009

New research on Nancy Huston

The recent grown interest in self-translation is also reflected by the publication of several articles and book contributions this year which discuss self-translation issues by Nancy Huston:

Brownlie, Siobhan (2009): Translation and the Fantastic: Nancy Huston's Instruments des ténèbres French Forum 34:1, Winter 2009, pp. 67-83

Chatzidimitriou, Ioanna (2009): Self-Translation as Minorization Process: Nancy Huston's Limbes/Limbo. In: SubStance 38:2 , pp. 22-42.

Shread, Carolyn (2009): Redefining Translation through Self-Translation: The Case of Nancy Huston. In: French Literature Series 36, pp. 51–61.

Sigrist, Ilona (2009): The Stakes of Self-Translation as Authorship in Nancy Huston’s Dolce Agonia and Instruments des ténèbres. In: A. Fidecaro, H. Partzsch, S. van Dijk et V. Cossy (éds.): Femmes écrivains à la croisée des langues, 1700-2000, pp.199-212.

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PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...