Sunday, October 30, 2011

Michael Idov

Nearly 2 years ago I posted a link to a blogpost by Michael Idov, in which he wrote about his experience of self-translating his novel Ground up. Two years later his self-translation is now announced to be a topic at the 2012 AATSEEL Conference which will take place in January 2012 in Seattle:
January 6, 1:45pm-3:30pm
6C-5 Panel: Slavic Culture and Translation
Panelist: Adrian Wanner, Pennsylvania State U
Title: From Ground Up to Kofemolka: Michael Idov’s Self-Translation 

Journée d'étude Alexakis - Un romancier entre deux cultures

A journée d'étude on Vassilis Alexakis will take place in Amiens, France on Friday 25 November. Now the program has been published. There will be 5 talks during the day, 2 focusing on self-translation:

  • Ligia Ferreira - Sao Paulo : « Migrations littéraires : auto-traduction et dialogues interculturels entre le sujet auteur et ses langues : le cas de Vassilis Alexakis »
  • Alain Ausoni - Oxford :: « Une explication avec la langue française : autobiographie et translinguisme chez Vassilis Alexakis»
Vassilis Alexakis will be present at the end of the journée d'étude at 4 pm. The event takes place at the Bibliothèque Louis Aragon, Rue de la République, Amiens, France.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Black Hat: On Self-Translation and Freedom

Just the other day I was trying to find self-translations from Inuit languages, but I was not successful. A few minutes ago, I found a blogpost by Olafur Gunnarsson, who apparently self-translates between Icelandic and English. Although Icelandic is not an Inuit language, my list of self-translators now reached the North....
So if you are interested, in what Olafur Gunnarsson has to tell about the black hat and his experience as a self-translator, please visit the wonderful blog WordsWithoutBorders.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Conference "Le choix du vulgaire : france, Italie, Espagne (XIIIe-XVI siècles)"

Self-translation will be a topic at the Conference "Le choix du vulgaire : france, Italie, Espagne (XIIIe-XVI siècles)" taking place at Paris, France from 17.11.2011 - 18.11.2011.

The whole session on Friday morning is dedicated to self-translation:
Pratiques de l’auto-traduction
  • 9h30-10h00 : Lucia Bertolini, (Université de Florence) : « Latino-volgare e viceversa : le autotraduzioni a Firenze fra XV e XVI ».
  • 10h45-11h15 : Jean-Pierre Jardin, (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) : « De la Regum Hispanorum Anacephaleosis (1456) à la Genealogía de los Reyes (1463) : deux projets pour une seule oeuvre ? ».
  • 11h30-12h : Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud (Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense) : « Du latin au français, du dialogue au récit de pèlerinage : Jean du Blioul et son entreprise d’auto-traduction à la fin du XVIe siècle »

For more information on the conference, please click here.

Conference "Traduction et partages"

Self-translation will be a topic at the Conference "Traduction et partages: que pensons-nous devoir transmettre ?" taking place at Bordeaux, France from 27.10.2011 - 29.10.2011.

On Thursday, 27.10.11 at 10.30am:
Robert Kahn (Université de Rouen) « La vieille loi de la vénerie : Walter Benjamin et l’auto-traduction »

On Friday, 28.10.11 at 2.00 pm
- Rainier Grutman (Université d’Ottawa, Canada) « Qui a peur de Nancy Huston? Autotraduction et auctoritas »

For more information on the conference, please click here

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...