Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bibliography on self-translation

I have taken over the responsibility for the bibliography on self-translation. While updating the last version, I made the 7th version (May 2011) available online again. In the future you will find the link for the following versions of the bibliography on this blog. The homepage www.autotraduzione.com is no longer updated.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kateryna Aksonova's blog on self-translation

Kateryna Aksonova is a trilingual writer. She writes in Ukrainian and Russian and translates her own plays to English. She has started  a blog to write about her experience as a bilingual writer and as a self-translator.
On her blog you can learn about her reasons for self-translation as well about the advantages and difficulties.

Please click here to visit her very interesting blog.

2012 Postgraduate Conference Crosscurrents

Self-translation has been discussed at the 2012 Postgraduate Conference Crosscurrents: Current Research in the Humanities which took place from 25-26th October at the University of Cape Town:

María Recuenco Peñalver (Translation and Interpreting Department, University of Malaga, Spain): The (con)fusion between Language and Identity: Of Self-Translation and Vasilis Alexakis.

To see the program of the conference, please click here.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interview with Vassilis Alexakis

Very interesting interview with Vassilis Alexakis on France Culture about languages and also about self-translation (26min-30min). You can listen to it on France Culture: http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-la-fabrique-de-l-histoire-les-langues-14-2012-10-08

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Conference on self-translation

Sala Pianoforte, Vicolo Florio, Università degli Studi di Udine
25 et 26 octobre 2012

14.30 Ouverture des travaux
15.00 Pascale SARDIN [Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux3] : Autotraduction et écriture féminine
15.30 Chiara MONTINI [Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes - Paris] : Autotraduction et génétique des textes
16.00 Discussion
16.30 Pause café
17.00 Valeria SPERTI [Università della Basilicata] : Autotraduction et cotraduction
17.30 Eva GENTES [Université de Düsseldorf] : « …et ainsi j’ai décidé de me traduire ». Les moments déclencheursdans la vie littéraire des autotraducteurs
18.00 Discussion

09.00 Rainier GRUTMAN [Université d’Ottawa] : Exil et migration : l’autotraduction déplacée
09.30 Alessandra FERRARO [Università degli Studi di Udine] : « Traduit par l’auteur » : sur le pacte autotraductif
10.00 Discussion
10.30 Pausé café
11.00 L’autotraduction littéraire: perspectives critiques. Table ronde animée par Rainier GRUTMAN et Alessandra FERRARO. Avec la participation de Pascale SARDIN, Chiara MONTINI, Paola PUCCINI, Eva GENTES, Valeria SPERTI.
 13.00 Clôture des travaux

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...