Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dana Todorović on translating her novel "The Tragic Fate of Mortiz Toth"

In an interview with Susan Curtis-Kojaković for the European Literature Network, Serbian writer Dana Todorović reflects on the challenges of translating her novel Tragična sudbina Morica Tota (2008) / The Tragic Fate of Mortiz Toth (2013) into English:

"It was more challenging than I though it would be. In t/he past, I would always scorn translations that were so literal that they failed to capture the spirit of the target language, but when I first sat down to translate my own novel, I found myself falling into the same trap. I think that authors are much too tied to their original work with all its metaphors, similes, sentence structure, etc., and if they are to embark on the difficult venture of translating their own work, it is necessary to step back and try to view it from different angles. Sometimes it is necessary to let certain things go."

To read the full interview (published on October 10th, 2017) please visit: 

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