Saturday, September 24, 2022

Fully-funded PhD studentship (Warburg Institute) on Leverhulmefunded project "Writing Bilingually, 1465-1700”

As part of the Leverhulme-funded project ‘Writing Bilingually, 1465-1700: Self-Translated Books in Italy and France’, there is one full-time PhD studentship available from 4 January 2023 at the Warburg Institute in London. The studentship covers university fees and an annual £18,000 maintenance stipend for a maximum of three years. Both home and international students are eligible to apply. The studentship carries a residency requirement and distance learning options are not available.

Supervised by Dr Sara Miglietti, the student will complete a thesis examining theories and practice of self-translation in Renaissance Italy and/or France in the context of 16th-century language debates (questione della lingua). Funding is available for research-related travel during the studentship. The student will also participate in other activities attached to the research project, including three international conferences, and will collaborate with the rest of the team on the production of key research outputs (an online database, an annotated catalogue of printed self-translations, and an anthology of primary sources in translation). 

Fore more information please visit this link.

Any further enquiries should be directed to Dr Sara Miglietti (

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