Everything on Self-translation/ Autotraduction/Autotraducción/Autotraduzione/Selbstübersetzung Welcome to my blog ! My name is Eva Gentes and I am a Postdoc researcher in Germany. My main research area is self-translation. My PhD dissertation discusses the (in)visibility of self-translation in contemporary literature in Romance Languages. I am currently looking for a Postdoc position / research fellowship in Comparative Literature or Translation Studies. Get in touch: eva.gentes[at]gmail.com
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Franco Biondi
Click here to read an interview with Biondi (in German), in which he talks about his choice to write in German and the difficulties he had to face.
You can find more information on Biondi and also articles about his works (some written in English and Italian) on his homepage.
Nancy Huston in Romania
For more information click here
Monday, May 23, 2011
Updated version of bibliography online
Everyone is invited to contribute to the bibliography.
UPDATE: The website autotraduzione.com is currently down. It will be back online with an updated version of the bibliography in September 2012.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Atelier de traduction - special issue on self-translation
De l’autotraducció en poesia
On the blog Quaderns de Lavínia, Rosa Delor has written an article on self-translation in the case of Jordi Vintró's bilingual poetry collection Insuficiència mitral (Editorial Lumen, Barcelona, 1997, bilingual edition). Unfortunately I don't understand much of it, but what I found striking was that Jordi Vintró commented on the blog entry!
As far as I know this is the only time Vintró self-translated.
You can read a fragment of Insuficiència mitral in Catalan and Spanish here.
New blog on self-translation in India
Those who wish to contribute to the blog are welcome to do so.
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Self-translation and migration
The main language of the journal is Italian, but a few articles in English and Spanish are also included. As not much information is (yet) available online, I will give you an overview of the content of the journal:
The first section (6 articles) is on self-translators in Canada, namely Mario Duliani, Dôre Michelut, Gianna Patriarca, Marco Micone, Antonio D'Alfonso and Nancy Huston.
The second part consists of three articles on self-translators in Latin America like Carlo Coccioli, whereas in the third section self-translation in Italy is being discussed in one article.
The last article gives additional biobibliographical information on the self-translators which have been quoted in the previous articles.
Silvana Serafin: Editorale (p.7)
Alessandra Ferraro: Migrare e riscriversi (p.9)
Fabiana Fusco: Le 'migrazioni linguistiche' e l'autotraduzione di Mario Duliani (p.15)
Deborah Saidero: Self-Translation as Transcultural Re-Inscription of Identity in Dôre Michelut and Gianna Patriarca (p. 31)
Paola Puccini: Origine e originale. Esperienza di migrazione e di autotraduzione a confronto nell'opera di Marco Micone (p.41)
Alessandra Ferraro: Tradursi: In Italics/ En Italiques di Antonio d'Alfonso (p.55)
Anna Lapetina: L'unicità dissimile. Il carattere musicale dell'autotraduzione in Plainsong / Cantiques des Plaines di Nancy Huston (p.67)
Valeria Sperti: Lo scarto linguistico in Lignes de faille di Nancy Huston (p.81)
America Latina
Sagrario del Río Zamudio: Breve análisis sobre la autotraducción en América Latina (p.91)
Irina Bajini: Messicani per scelta o ispanografi per vocazione? Il caso di Carlo Coccioli, Fabio Morabito, Francesca Gargallo e Marco Perilli (p.103)
Biagio D'Angelo: Confessioni di un italiano. Alcune osservazioni sull'autotraduzione (p.113)
Rita Wilson: Transplanted Subjects. Self-translation Processes in Translingual Narratives (p.125)
Andrea Schincariol: Cenni biobibliografici sugli autori migranti citati (p.139)
Journal: Oltreoceano
Issue: n°5
Title: L'autotraduzione nelle letterature migranti
Editor: Alessandra Ferraro
Publication Date: 05/2011
ISSN: 1972-4527
20,00 Euro
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
First day conference bologna
I am really looking forward to it as the contributions are given in English today.
Here is the program for today:
14,00 Saluti delle autorità Apertura di Umberto ECO e Susan BASSNETT
15,30 Sessione 1: Approcci teorici all’autotraduzione Chair: Keir ELAM (Università di Bologna) Peeter TOROP (Università di Tartu) Conceptual Field of Self-Translation
Rainier GRUTMAN (Università di Ottawa) Beckett and Beyond: Self-Translation as a Global Phenomenon
16,30-17,00 Pausa
Anthony CORDINGLEY (Università di Paris VIII) The Passion of Self-Translation: a Masocritical Perspective
Laura SALMON (Università di Genova) The Self-Translation Process: an Epistemic Cognitive Approach
Paolo LEONARDI (Università di Bologna) The Indeterminacy of Translation Starts at Home
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Conference "Traduction et francophonie"
Self-translation will be a topic on the conference "Traduction et francophonie" which will take place from 16 -17 May 2011 in Suceava, Romania:
Anca CHETRARIU (Université « Ştefan cel Mare », Suceava):
L’autotraduction – une réécriture ? Le cas d’Irina Mavrodin
To learn more about Irina Mavrodin, I recommend to read an interview she has given Muguras Constantinescu and which has been published in Quaderns, n° 16 (2009) p. 165-16.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Alexakis book presentation in Lyon, France
Monday, May 9, 2011
lecture "A sociological look at self-translation (in and outside of Canada)"
For more information click here.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Conference on self-translation in Bologna
For more information visit their homepage! No conference fee!
The conference will be opened by Umberto Eco and Susan Bassnett.
Speakers include R. Grutman, H. Tanqueiro, X. M. Dasilva, P. Puccini and many more.
Topics include the following self-translators: Federman, Nabokov, Dorfman, Klüger, Micone, Huston, D'Alfonso, Gary and many more.
Link to the conference programm.
Link to the conference abstracts.
PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)
Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...
The Acentos Review has recently published an interview with Rolando Hinojosa-Smith conducted in 2012 by Marlene Hansen Esplin. Hansen Esplin...