Friday, August 23, 2013

7th EST Congress 2013

Self-translation will be a topic at the 7th EST Congress, taking place from August 29-September 1, 2013 in Germersheim, Germany.
To read the booklet of abstracts, please click here.

Friday, August 30
Maud Gonne: A Peripheral Practice or/and a Prominent Transfer Activity? Self-Translations within Asymmetrical Cultural Spaces

Excerpt of the abstract:
The analysis of ST practices within the heterogeneous capital of Belgium by Georges Eekhoud (1854-1927), officially a Flemish writer using French as literary language and, less officially, a multilingual polygraph and anonymous self-translator of serialized novels in the popular press, will provide a survey of
1) the range of social factors involved in the process of ST (cultural, relational, institutional, economic, political, etc.);
2) the particularity of ST with regards to ‘normal translation’ in asymmetrical contexts and its methodological and theoretical consequences for Translation Studies. Simultaneously, the paper will consider the marginalization of ST by critics and by the writers themselves, resulting in the reinforcement of “western models in which monolingualism, rather than multilingualism, is the norm” (Shread 2009:54);
3) the complex and specific hybridity of bilingual actors and the cultural configurations that produced them;
4) the possible implications of ST as transfer activity in the process of national culture building (affirmation, problematization, rejection).

Tessa Lobbes, Reine Meylaerts: Translation and Its Others: Intercultural Transfer in Multilingual Cultures

Excerpt of the abstract:
In accordance with the purpose of this panel, the present paper wants to increase the understanding of the relationship between translation and other transfer techniques and “to reconstruct the interrelations between different techniques and between transfer techniques, their carriers and their agents” (D’hulst 2012: 150).
In this paper the complex forms of intercultural transfer activities will be examined by scrutinizing the mediating activities of an intercultural mediator living in the multilingual culture of Belgium during the interwar period, namely Gaston Pulings (1885-1941). Pulings was a poet, translator, self-translator, multilingual writer, publisher, art critic, literary critic, theatre critic and art animator who lived in the multilingual cosmopolitan city of Brussels.

To read the complete abstracts, please click here.

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PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...