Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cfp Translation in Russian Contexts: Transcultural, Translingual and Transdisciplinary Points of Departure

An International Conference at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Uppsala University, Sweden, 2-7 June 2014

[...] The conference will also explore the phenomena of translingualism and transculturality in relation to various practices and theoretical conceptions of translation. [...] We invite proposals for 20-minute papers dealing with the following topics related to Russian contexts:
  • ...
  • Diaspora Contexts: Self-Translation and Translingual Russian Literature

Proposal submission
Abstracts of 200 words and a short bio should be sent to: &
Include your title, affiliation and email address. The deadline for submissions is 1 November 2013. After the conference, a peer reviewed volume of articles based on selected papers will be published.
Conference Co-chairs
Dr. Julie Hansen, Uppsala University (
Dr. Susanna Witt, Uppsala University (

To read the full call for papers, please click here

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