Monday, June 26, 2017

Conference on Catalan self-translation

Bilingüisme, autotraducció i literatura catalana

IV Simposi sobre literatura comparada catalana i espanyola Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, 6 de juliol de 2017. Organitza: TRILCAT

09.30 Inauguració i benvinguda
10.00 Xosé Manuel Dasilva (UVIGO): Bilingüismo literario y autotraducción en Galicia
10.45 Pausa-cafè
11.15 Elizabete Manterola (UPV/EHU): Marcados por la diglosia: los retos de la literatura vasca actual
11.45 Josep Miquel Ramis (UB): Tipologia d’autotraductors i autotraduccions en la literatura catalana
12.15 Marta Marfany (UPF): Martí de Riquer, home de lletres entre dues cultures
12.45 José Francisco Ruiz Casanova (UPF): La curiosa y paradójica –o no– historia de la traducción entre las lenguas castellana y catalana
13.15 Col·loqui sobre la sessió del matí

16.00 Enric Gallén (UPF): Autors bilingües en el teatre català
16.30 Albert Rossich (UdG): Català vs. castellà a les revistes infantils de Catalunya; traduccions, dobles versions, encobriments
17.00 Pausa-cafè
17.15 Lucía Azpeitia (UPF): Agustí Bartra: els paratextos bibliogràfics a l’obra en català i castellà
17.45 Cristina Badosa (UPVD): Josep Pla: la prosa en castellà. Llengua de supervivència i llengua de creació
18.15 Lluís Maria Todó (UPF): Pange lingua
19.00 Clausura

For more information please click here

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

PhD dissertation available now

My PhD dissertation "(Un-)Sichtbarkeit der literarischen Selbstübersetzung in der romanischsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Eine literatur- und übersetzungssoziologische Annäherung" ((In-)Visibility of Literary Self-translation in Contemporary Literature in Romance Languages. A Sociological Approach.)  is now available online as an open-access document.

Get access to the document here

My dissertation is written in German, but here you find an abstract in English:

Literary self-translation is a largely unknown phenomenon, although in the past two decades it has increasingly gained attention with both literary and translation scholars. This dissertation examines the invisibility of self-translation in the realm of contemporary literature in Romance languages (1980-2015). Literary self-translation will be discussed both as a process and a product in order to understand its various functions and effects. It will be shown that self-translation is a complex and heterogeneous practice which ultimately requires a re-definition of the notion of self-translation. In Part A, "Frame Conditions of Self-Translation," we will start by giving a geographical overview of where authors self-translate into or from a Romance language. We will then discuss the reasons for opting for self-translation and finally examine the different language combinations used by the 336 identified self-translators. Part B focuses on “Self-translation as a process” and explores how writing, correction and translation processes interrelate in the textual genesis of bilingual and trilingual self-translations. Part C "Self-translation as a product" takes a closer look at the visibility of self-translation in editorial and auctorial peritexts. Afterwards, it will be discussed which strategies publishers and translators have developed in order to translate self-translated texts into other languages. Based on the theoretical reflections from the preceding chapters, Part D "Self-Translators in Contemporary Literature in Romance Languages" gives an insight into the individual practice of self-translation in the context of less common languages. The trajectory of six self-translators from Spain, France and Mexico, which so far have hardly been investigated, will be discussed in detail.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

9th Biennial ACIS Conference Scontri e incontri: The dynamics of Italian transcultural exchanges

Self-translation is a topic at the 9th Biennial ACIS Conference Scontri e incontri: The dynamics of Italian transcultural exchanges taking place at Monash Prato Centre, 4-7 July 2017.

Tuesday 4th July 16.00-17.30 session "Transnational identities & self-translations"

  • Dagnino, Self-translation as transcultural mediation 
  • Spagnuolo, Voicing hybridity 
  • R. Wilson, Creative encounters: literary practices, (self-)translation and identity

To see the complete program, please click here.

Friday, June 16, 2017

CFP: Vladimir Nabokov and Translation: Transatlantic Symposium (Lille, France-Chapel Hill, USA)

Deadline for Submissions: September 01, 2017

Vladimir Nabokov and Translation:
Transatlantic Symposium
Lille, France-Chapel Hill, USA
Spring 2018-Fall 2018

No translator and translation theorist has brought an equal amount of attention to the humble applied craft of literary translation than Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977). Standing at the crossroads of five languages and a matching number of literary traditions (English, French, German, Italian, and Russian), he experienced translation on a level unattainable to the majority of his predecessors, presaging and influencing our modern understanding of the indispensability of linguistic and cultural interconnection.

Nabokov’s entered literature as a translator. He claimed to have retold Mayne Reid’s The Headless Horseman in French alexandrines at eleven, while his adaptation of Romain Rolland’s Colas Breugnon became the most exacting rite of passage of his career in letters. Yet while the controversy stirred by his rendition of Aleksandr Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin and the methodology of “literalism” he applied therein forever changed the way we conceive of translation today, the totality of his work in translation remains the least appreciated and understood area of Nabokov’s creative enterprise.

To address this omission, Drs. Julie Loison-Charles (University of Lille, France) and Stanislav Shvabrin (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) cordially invite you to submit a 500-word-long abstract explicating Nabokov’s legacy as translator and translation theorist as well as multiple other areas and instances of his engagement with “the art of verbal transmigration.”

We invite scholars interested in the multiple aspects of Nabokov’s legacy in translation to consider the following lines of inquiry:

* Nabokov as translator (with special emphasis on the vast number of works beyond Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Eugene Onegin);
* Nabokov’s translation theory, its evolution, and legacy;
* Translation as reflected in Nabokov’s works;
* Self-translation;
* Nabokov translated (collaboratively with the author and independently) or retranslated;
* Intersemiotic (audiovisual, cinematic, and theatrical) translations of Nabokov’s works;
* Teaching translation with Nabokov;
* The impact of translation on Nabokov’s writing.

The participants invited by the selection committee will have a choice to present their papers either in Lille, France (May 2018) or Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA (Autumn 2018). The two sections of the Symposium will work in concert to facilitate collaboration between participants on both sides of the Atlantic: papers will be made available to participants via a platform (written and/or recorded) and participants will be invited to collaborate when they focus on similar topics, to respond to a paper given in the previous section or to publish a co-authored essay. This platform may also be used to work with graduate or post-graduate students in collaborative transatlantic seminars in translation.

Please send your abstracts (maximum 500 words, in English or French) to the following email and

If you wish your abstract to be considered for the first installment of the Symposium in Lille, France, please send your abstract by September 1, 2017, and by May 1, 2018, for Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.

This project is organized with the French Society Vladimir Nabokov – Les Chercheurs Enchantés, The Université of Lille, SHS (France) (Unit Research CECILLE) and the Center for Slavic Eurasian and East European Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).


Monday, June 12, 2017

Struggling with self-translation

In a recent interview with the journal Apogee, Hong Kong Poet Wawa (Lo Mei Wa) described the struggle of self-translating one of her poems into English:
"I do terrible in self-translation from one language to another because my linguistic personality, which was already laid down in the poem, is too complete. I know the cultural context too well. I am totally there. I couldn’t translate “Nation Rooftop” and I did it terribly. I translated the poem into an English dictionary."
To read the complete interview, please click here.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

CfP: International Conference on Samuel Beckett – Literature and Translation (Cáceres, Spain; 12-13 April 2018)

For the International Conference “Samuel Beckett: Literature and Translation”, interdisciplinary proposals, either in Spanish, French or English, on the following topics (but not exclusively) are welcome:

  • Translations of Samuel Beckett’s works into Spanish and other peninsular languages: An analysis of particular cases and the state of the arts
  • Samuel Beckett and bilingualism in his works
  • Beckett and self-translation into English and French
  • Samuel Beckett’s reception in Spain
  • Censorship of Samuel Beckett’s works in Spain
  • Critical trends in the interpretation of Samuel Beckett’s works

Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the following address: and should include:

  • title of the paper
  • participant’s name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address
  • 200-300-word abstract

Deadline for submission: 30 September 2017
For more information, please click here.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Cfp: NeMLA Pittsburg in 2018 (April 12-15) Roundtable: Self Translation Is Not Translation at All

At the 2018 convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association there will be a roundtable on self-translation chaired by Yves Cloarec (LIM College).


Is the term “Self-Translation” even a valid expression? Granted, it seems better than the previously accepted term “auto-translation;” but, whatever we choose to call it, defining it and understanding it may prove to be more elusive than may at first appear.

NeMLA 2018’s theme “Global Spaces, Local Landscapes and Imagined Worlds” is an excellent lens through which we propose to analyze this chimera of the literary world: the self-translated text.

Nicola Danby tells us in La Lingusitique (2004/1 – Vol 40) “many bilinguals cannot help but struggle with the distinction between their two language-bound selves.” I would go further; I put forward as a basis for discussion in this roundtable the proposition that a multilingual writer possesses as many “identities” as the number of languages mastered. In this sense, the term “Self-Translation” is doubly erroneous, as it is neither the text nor the self that is being translated; rather, what we call a self-translation is in fact an artistic creation by a transformed, "different" self.

This roundtable invites self-translators willing to share their experiences (joys and despairs given equal consideration), translators interested in venturing into this very different craft, and scholars who study or are intrigued by the myriad opinions and theories of those writers who seek to occupy global spaces by “translating” their local landscapes and imagined worlds.

Please be prepared to present your ideas (and/or read from some "self-translated" passage) as well as engage fellow participants and audience members in thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion.

For submission and more information:

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Special Issue Ticontre: Narrating the self in self-translation

I am very happy to announce that the special issue of Ticontre "Narrating the self in self-translation" edited by Giorgia Falceri, Elizabete Manterola and myself, has been published.

Content overview:

  • Giorgia Falceri, Eva Gentes, Elizabete Manterola, Narrating the Self in Self-translation (pp. vii-xix)
  • Garazi Arrula-Ruiz, What we talk about when we talk about Identity in Self-Translation (pp. 1-21)
  • Maria Recuenco Peñalver, Zodorís Califatidis y la ventana del ladrón o de cómo la autotraducción le hace a uno menos extranjero (pp. 23-39)
  • Melisa Stocco, Negociación lingüística e identitaria en las autotraducciones de tres poetas mapuche (pp. 41-65)
  • Elena Anna Spagnuolo, Giving Voice To The Hybrid Self. Self-Translation As Strategy By Francesca Duranti / Martina Satriano (pp. 67-85)
  • Maria Alice Gonçalves Antunes, Autobiographie, Self-translations and the Lives In-Between: the Cases of Gustavo Pérez Firmat and Ariel Dorfman (pp. 85-107)
  • Chiara Lusetti, Provare a ridirsi: l’autotraduzione come tappa di un processo migratorio in Amara Lakhous (pp. 109-127)
  • Valeria Sperti, Traces de l' auto/traduction dans les romans de Nancy Huston (pp. 129-148)
  • Nami Kaneko, ¿Quién puede hablar por los de Obaba? Una relectura de Obabakoak de Bernardo Atxaga en vista de un cuento perdido en la autotraducción (pp. 149-168)
  • Alain Ausoni, Et l’autotraduction dans l’écriture de soi ? Remarques à partir de Quant à je (kantaje) de Katalin Molnár (pp. 169-181)

Ticontre is an open access journal, so you can immediately start reading the very interesting contributions on its website:

We hope you enjoy it!

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...