Thursday, June 1, 2017

Special Issue Ticontre: Narrating the self in self-translation

I am very happy to announce that the special issue of Ticontre "Narrating the self in self-translation" edited by Giorgia Falceri, Elizabete Manterola and myself, has been published.

Content overview:

  • Giorgia Falceri, Eva Gentes, Elizabete Manterola, Narrating the Self in Self-translation (pp. vii-xix)
  • Garazi Arrula-Ruiz, What we talk about when we talk about Identity in Self-Translation (pp. 1-21)
  • Maria Recuenco Peñalver, Zodorís Califatidis y la ventana del ladrón o de cómo la autotraducción le hace a uno menos extranjero (pp. 23-39)
  • Melisa Stocco, Negociación lingüística e identitaria en las autotraducciones de tres poetas mapuche (pp. 41-65)
  • Elena Anna Spagnuolo, Giving Voice To The Hybrid Self. Self-Translation As Strategy By Francesca Duranti / Martina Satriano (pp. 67-85)
  • Maria Alice Gonçalves Antunes, Autobiographie, Self-translations and the Lives In-Between: the Cases of Gustavo Pérez Firmat and Ariel Dorfman (pp. 85-107)
  • Chiara Lusetti, Provare a ridirsi: l’autotraduzione come tappa di un processo migratorio in Amara Lakhous (pp. 109-127)
  • Valeria Sperti, Traces de l' auto/traduction dans les romans de Nancy Huston (pp. 129-148)
  • Nami Kaneko, ¿Quién puede hablar por los de Obaba? Una relectura de Obabakoak de Bernardo Atxaga en vista de un cuento perdido en la autotraducción (pp. 149-168)
  • Alain Ausoni, Et l’autotraduction dans l’écriture de soi ? Remarques à partir de Quant à je (kantaje) de Katalin Molnár (pp. 169-181)

Ticontre is an open access journal, so you can immediately start reading the very interesting contributions on its website:

We hope you enjoy it!

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PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

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