Thursday, July 28, 2022

CfP: International conference "The Author and “his” Translator: the Genealogy of an Asymmetric Relationship" (2023, Tours, France)

 The Author and “his” Translator: the Genealogy of an Asymmetric Relationship 
 International conference: call for papers
 University of Tours (France), June 12th -13th 2023

To read the full CfP in French and English please visit:

Shortened version:
The international conference The Author and “his” Translator calls on researchers from a wide range of disciplines (literary and cultural studies, history, sociology, law, economics, linguistics, etc.) who would like to contribute to investigating this evolution by reconstructing the emergence of this publishing field structure in order to reach a better understanding of the processes of harmonisation of national book markets, which determine contemporary literary translation practices and international distribution of literary texts. Four aspects of this subject seem to deserve our special attention:

— analogies between the process of codification of the translation profession (diplomas and certifications in translation studies, formalisation of translators’ contracts, emergence of professional networks, prizes and awards for the best translators, etc.) and the one of consolidation of the body of laws on copyright and intellectual property [...]

— relationship between the history of translation and literary/cultural history [...]

typology of collaborations between the writer and the literary translator throughout history. Looking into the diversity of forms of interaction between writer and translator reveals an impressive diversity of practices: benevolent laissez-faire of the author, long and detailed epistolary discussions about the dilemmas of translation, reciprocal translation by the two peers, collaborative translation, choice of self-translation and refusal to cede copyright for non-authorial translations or even legal proceedings against the authors of translations judged to be unfaithful. [...]

— translation and book market [...]

The international conference The Author and “his” Translator intends to offer researchers from all fields of humanities and social sciences an opportunity to question the functioning of contemporary cultural field from the point of view of the place that translators are bound to occupy within it. In order to allow for an in-depth examination of this subject, the programme of this scientific event will include various forms of work: in addition to individual papers and thematic panels proposed by several researchers, the conference will comprise a series of talks with a writer and his/her translator, round tables with publishers and directors of foreign literature collections, workshops devoted to the key points of the conference.

Proposals containing a title, a paper summary of 300 words and a short biographical statement must be sent to  before September 7th 2022. Notification of admission will be sent at the beginning of November after evaluation of all proposals by the members of the scientific committee.


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