Thursday, November 22, 2012

CfP: The Poetics of Multilingualism – La Poétique du plurilinguisme

The Poetics of Multilingualism – La Poétique du plurilinguisme
International Colloquium, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 4-5-6 April 2013.

The goal of the conference is to focus on poetical, metrical, and linguistic principles in bilingual and multilingual texts. It aims to present the interactions of different literary traditions with their specific constraints, as well as the way multilingual texts obey or oppose established compositional rules and principles.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
- multilingualism and the birth of vernacular literatures,
- poetical code-switching in multilingual texts
- rhythmic, metrical, and poetic imitation in multilingual poems
- generic classification of multilingual texts in poetical treatises
- multilingualism and polyphonic music
- multilingualism and the birth of vernacular literatures
- multilingualism and glossolalia
- adopting foreign poetical patterns by integrating foreign languages
- oral performance of multilingual texts and reading out multilingual texts
- multilingualism and formulaic language
- multilingualism as a formal constraint: the Oulipo and the plurality of languages

We welcome submissions on all literary periods and languages; special attention will be paid to medieval, early modern, and contemporary European literature.

Abstracts are invited for 40 minute presentations followed by 10-minute question periods. One-page (including references and examples) abstracts in both .doc and .pdf format should be sent to by 31 December 2012.

Submission deadline: 31 December 2012
Notification of acceptance: 30 January 2013
Registration deadline: 15 February 2013.
Conference fee: none

Conference Web Site:

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