Thursday, May 30, 2013

New: L'Autotraduction aux frontières de la langue et de la culture

The conference proceedings of the Perpignan conference on self-translation (2011) have now been published.  The volume edited by Christian Lagarde and Helena Tanqueiro  includes 27 articles on self-translation written in French, English, Spanish or Catalan. The volume is divided into four sections:
I. Quelle place pour l’autotraduction ?
II. L’autotraduction comme outil d’autodéfinition
III. Autotraduction et réécriture
IV. Des jeux et enjeux complexes

To see the index of contents, please click here.

L'Autotraduction aux frontières de la langue et de la culture
edited by Christian Lagarde and Helena Tanqueiro
Editions Lambert Lucas
280 pages
34 Euro
ISBN : 9782359350753

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