Thursday, January 15, 2015

Call for posters. 5/27/2015. The Fictions of Translation. Canada.

Self-translation is one of the possible topics for a poster presentation at the international conference to be held May 27-29, 2015, at Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada.
Deadline for submission: January 30, 2015

Poster Presentations
The organizing committee of Transfiction 3 is seeking undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students as well as postdocs for poster presentations during the conference. A poster presentation involves producing an academic poster that translates your research into an engaging visual format, and presenting that information informally to conference attendees during specific periods such as lunchtime and coffee breaks. Posters give you an opportunity to interact one on one with conference attendees by giving a short talk on your topic and answering any questions. Your poster should contain the title of your presentation, a summary of your topic, relevant quotes, images, examples or illustrations of your key points, and any other information that helps you communicate your ideas clearly and fully.
Interested participants are invited to submit 300-word proposals for poster presentations by January 30, 2015, to The proposals should be attached in Word, with the file name in the following format: authorname.doc, and “poster presentation” indicated in the subject line of the e-mail. (Please include your contact information in the body of your e-mail, not in the file.)
Date of notification regarding acceptance of poster presentations: February 15, 2015.
Conference Theme
This conference is a follow-up to the first Transfiction conference on “Fictional Translators” (Vienna 2011) and its sequel, Beyond Transfiction, on “Translators and (Their) Authors” (Tel Aviv 2013). Transfiction 3 will continue to explore the complex relationship and shifting borders between writing and translation, in the past and at present. Using historical perspectives and current theoretical frameworks, participants will reflect on the continuing presence of the theme of translation and translators in fiction, drama, and other art forms such as cinema, on the often problematic interface between writers and translators, and the evolving status of translation in relation to so-called original work.
Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:
· The figure of the translator and the theme of translation: is this primarily a (post)modern phenomenon or one that can be traced back to earlier times?
· Historical perspectives: shifting attitudes to the status of translation and the role of the translator; evolving perceptions of the authorial voice and the translator’s visibility.
· Fictionalized practices of translation such as pseudotranslation.
· Self-translation: can it really be called “translation” or is it a form of (re)writing?
· Translation and hybridity: dialects/diglossia/polyglossia across expatriate and diasporic communities, and their implications for writing and translation.
· Translation in/and/of modernism: Joyce, Pound, Beckett, etc.
· Intra-cultural or inter-semiotic forms of translation: for example, novels adapted for the cinema or stage, and graphic novels.
· New developments in a globalized, technological world: what are the implications for translations, translators, and relations between authors and translators of such phenomena as crowdsourcing, collaborative translation, and open translation?
· The “translation turn” in the social sciences and humanities: is the use of “translation” a metaphor, a fiction, or a legitimate epistemological practice?
Conference Languages
The languages of the conference will be English and French.
Note: The conference is being planned in cooperation with the Canadian Association for Translation Studies, whose annual conference will be held in Ottawa the following week, from June 1 to 3, 2015, on the theme “Literary Translation and Canada.” Scholars may wish to participate in both conferences.
Early registration fee for students (before March 31, 2015): CAN$75
Fee after March 31, 2015: CAN$100
Local Organizing Committee
Judith Woodsworth, Chair / Patricia Godbout, Co-chair / Gillian Lane-Mercier, Co-chair
Danièle Marcoux / Carmen Ruschiensky / Christine York
Scientific Committee
Véronique Béghain (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) / Nitsa Ben-Ari (Tel Aviv University)
Patricia Godbout (Université de Sherbrooke) / Gillian Lane-Mercier (McGill University)
Xuanmen Luo (Tsinghua University) / Judith Woodsworth (Concordia University)

Information and further details:
For all correspondence about the conference please use the e-mail address: .

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