Ariel Dorfman, born in 1942, is a Chilean bilingual writer (English/Spanish). He explains that the decision in which to write a novel is always hard, but becomes even more difficult when chosing the language for your autobiography: "I couldn’t for the life or death decide in which of my two languages to write the story of my life. […] Whenever I wrote anything about my life, in either language it simply sounded … false, falso, fraudulent, fraudulento.“ (Dorfman 2004, p. 206)
Ariel Dorfman started with self-translation because his play "La muerte y la doncella" was not successful in Chile, so he decided to translate the Spanish original into English. "Death and the maiden" became a worldwide success despite of or even due to the former rejection by the Chilean public: "I translated it immediately into English, and worked with it in English from that moment on. I probably never would have gone through that experience if it hadn’t been that what I wrote in Spanish was rejected by my own audience in Chile." (Dorfman 2002, p. 56)
Ariel Dorfman continues to self-translate his work also for economic reasons: „[Y]ou get paid once in Spanish and once in English and between both payments, sabes, you manage to get one whole meal for one family of four.“ (Dorfman 2004, p. 206)
For further reading:
Dorfman, Ariel (2002): Resisting Hybridity. In: Daniel Balderstone/Marcy E. Schwarz (ed.): Voice-Overs. Translation and Latin American Literature. Albany: State University of New York Press, p. 55-57.
Dorfman, Ariel (2004): Footnotes to a double life. In: Wendy Lesser (ed.): The Genius of Language. Fifteen Writers Reflect on Their Mother Tongues. New York: Pantheon Books, p. 206-217.
Everything on Self-translation/ Autotraduction/Autotraducción/Autotraduzione/Selbstübersetzung Welcome to my blog ! My name is Eva Gentes and I am a Postdoc researcher in Germany. My main research area is self-translation. My PhD dissertation discusses the (in)visibility of self-translation in contemporary literature in Romance Languages. I am currently looking for a Postdoc position / research fellowship in Comparative Literature or Translation Studies. Get in touch: eva.gentes[at]
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PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)
Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...
The Acentos Review has recently published an interview with Rolando Hinojosa-Smith conducted in 2012 by Marlene Hansen Esplin. Hansen Esplin...
Merci de ces infos tout à fait passionnantes. Quand tu écris en espagnol au Chili, il est bien possible que tu ne sortes pas du rang. Le bilinguisme a été la source de la reconnaissance de Ariel Dorfman.
Et Roman Polanski qui a adapté son film, a fait des films en français, en anglais, en polonais...
Le locataire/The tenant, mon film préféré de Polanksi, un des films les plus fabuleusement angoissants qui soit, du surréalisme acide et corrosif, basé sur une oeuvre de Roland Topor - dispose d'un casting mixte français et américain, et est à la fois dans sa version "originale" en français et en anglais.
je serais bien intéressé par savoir comment s'est déroulé le processus de doublage? quel acteur s'est auto-traduit dans l'interprétation? qui a été doublé?
comment se sont passés les dialogues entre Polansky (qui parle vraisemblablement en français) et Shelley Winters ou Melvyn Douglas, qui parlent en anglais. Regarde le film!
Comme on dit : Nul n'est prophète dans son pays !!
Can someone tell me which Ariel Dorfman's books have been auto translated? please. I would appreciate
Dear Aida, Ariel Dorfman has self-translated most of his novels and memoirs. They are too many to list them, but if you search for him on you can see which of the works have been translated by a translator.
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