Saturday, November 12, 2016

Conferencia "Autotraducción: ¿recreación, reescritura o ideología?"

El grupo de investigación TXICC invitará a la Dra. Tai Yufen a impartir una conferencia sobre autotraducción. Después de hacer un breve recorrido por el fenómeno de la autotraducción, se centrará en dos casos concretos: el de la escritora china Eileen Chang y el de la mallorquina Carme Riera.

Lugar: Aula 1 (Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación, UAB)
Día y hora: martes, 15 de noviembre de 13.00h a 14.30h
Organiza: grupo de investigación TXICC

Link to source 

Conference Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation, Paris (17.-19.11.2016)

Self-translation will be a topic at the conference Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation taking place in Paris (17.-19.11.2016).

  • SAMEDI 19/11/2016  Session 9 16:00
    Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 27c bd. Jourdan, 75014 Paris
    Eliana VICARI (Paris) : De l'autotraduction à la traduction : l'exercice de style « homophonique » de Raymond Queneau face à son texte source et à ses versions italienne, anglaise et espagnole

    Abstract: Non seulement Raymond Queneau et l’Oulipo se sont beaucoup intéressés à la traduction, mais ils l'ont aussi pratiquée. Certes, il s'agit bien souvent d'une traduction sui generis, effectuée à l'intérieur de la même langue et axée sur l'application d'une contrainte parfois étonnante : traduction transsexuelle, lipogrammatique, antonymique ou homosémantique (qui implique un changement de typologie textuelle, voire le passage de la prose au vers ou vice versa...). Dans ce domaine, comme dans tant d'autres, le précurseur reste Raymond Queneau dont l'une des œuvres les plus connues, Exercices de style (1947 édition originale ; 1973 édition définitive), représente sans doute le premier recueil d'auto-traductions intra-linguales. L'analyse d'« homophonique » - posée en guise de synecdoque - vise à rendre compte des spécificités du travail mis en acte par le fondateur de l'Oulipo aussi bien que des implications traductologiques sous-entendues. Tout cela permet de mieux examiner – quoique brièvement - la démarche de certains traducteurs pour observer comment ils ont effectué le transfert de cette rose rare et sonore. Comment l'ont-ils transplantée dans leur jardin italien, britannique et espagnol ? Ce rosier insolite a-t-il produit presque les mêmes fruits ? Et les fruits, eux, ont-t-ils gardé voire dépassé la promesse des fleur-phénix en dépit du changement de sol et de climat ? 

  • To see the complete program, please click here.
  • To access the booklet of abstracts, please click here.
  • To see the conference page on facebook, please click here.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Interview With Poet and Self-Translator Alison Whittaker', by Elizabeth Bryer

Alison Wittaker is a Gomeroin poet living in Sydney. In an interview with Elizabeth Bryer she speaks about her experience of translating her poem ‘Wattle in the Dykes’ into and then out of Gamilaraay.
"It’s important that readers see the poem in Gamilaraay on the screen as its own poem, not just as a catalyst to change the meaning of a poem in English."
To read the interview, please click here.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Conference Translation & Minority 11-12th November 2016

Self-translation will be a topic at the conference Translation & Minority, 11-12th November 2016 at University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation.

November 12, 16:00-17:30 Panel 13: Self-translation

  • Rainier Grutman: La dynamique de l’autotraduction verticale
    La plupart des auteurs qui se traduisent eux-mêmes ne sont pas bilingues dans deux langues officielles d’États-nations tout aussi officiels, mais écrivent dans une « grande langue » et, parallèlement, dans une langue moins connue et reconnue. La traduction n’est pas un « échange » symétrique pour eux, mais plutôt une « négociation » asymétrique, « verticale » (Folena; Stierle), entre deux langues au statut inégalement reconnu. La recherche sur ces autotraducteurs fait apparaître deux types de « minorités »: 1) celles qui sont globales en raison de la position périphérique qu’occupe leur langue maternelle dans la « galaxie des langues » (De Swaan; Calvet) et 2) les minorités nationales dans le cadre des États-nations dont ils sont citoyens. C’est à l’approfondissement de ces catégories et à l’étude de leurs intersections (p.ex. la migration) que je m’attacherai dans cette communication, afin de décrire la dynamique propre à l’autotraduction verticale.
  • Elizabete Manterola Agirrezabalaga:Translating a (Self-)Translated literature:  Challenges of Direct Translation from a Minority Literature
    Spanish is the main target language of translations from Basque. It is hard to find direct translations in the exportation into other languages, as not many people learn Basque as a foreign language. Even though, one of the goals of the Basque literature is to produce direct translations in order to avoid the use of the Spanish version as the source text. This paper will analyze the efforts made so far in promoting direct translation.
    Some other interesting questions will also be addressed. As Spanish versions are vastly produced by the actual author, is it legitimate to translate a original book that has already been translated (or revised) by the author? If the target translator knows both Basque and Spanish, is it right to translate a book only from the Basque version or should the translator consult both versions (or even any other)? Opinions of professional translators will illustrate the difficulties that target translators have to face in direct translations from Basque.
  • Trish Van Bolderen: From One-Man Show to Stage Manager: Self-Translators and “Minority” Literatures in Canada

For more information on the conference please click here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

At home in one language? London, 29th September

Join multilingual writers Vanni Bianconi, Xiaolu Guo and Bohdan Piasecki for a discussion about linguistic mixing and matching, identifying (or not) with a language and self-translation.

Presented By: Free Word Thu 29 Sep 2016 6:45pm - 8:30pm Free Word Centre

For more information please click here.


Multilingualism and Theory: Critical Intersections and Literary Studies on the Move, American Comparative Literature Association, Utrecht University, the Netherlands July 6-9, 2017

Deadline for submissions: 23.09.2016 (!)

Multilingualism has emerged in the past few years as a site of critical attention within comparative literature and world literature. The myth of monolingualism and the presumed equivalency between nation and national language have given way to a new mode of scholarship that privileges the plurality and heterogeneity of languages and cultures. Despite this proliferation of critical attention, the methodological framework for discussing multilingualism remains undefined. To this effect, this seminar invites papers that address wider theoretical issues that surround multilingualism, especially with regard to the revisiting of the key terminology of the debate. Papers may examine this phenomenon on the level of text, the literary production of a single author, several authors or society as a whole. [...]

How do multilingual writers utilize their linguistic competencies to push back against hierarchies of power and hegemonic practice? What are the intersections between multilingualism and post-colonial studies? How can we address the multiple linguistic competencies of an author in critical scholarship and why is this often overlooked?  How does translation of a multilingual text impact processes of canonization? In what ways can multilingual criticism challenge and dislodge the concept of the ‘native speaker’? What is the interplay between gender, class and linguistic competencies? What role should languages of mobility, prestige languages and accent play in critical theory? Are identity politics still relevant in studies of critical multilingualism?

We welcome papers that take these questions as a point of departure as well as other theoretically innovative approaches to multilingualism and linguistic complexity in literary analysis. Potential participants are encouraged to contact the organizers before submitting abstracts through the ACLA portal.

Seminar Organisers: Visnja Krstic, University of Belgrade and Kate Costello, University of Oxford

Deadline for abstracts is 11:59 PM Pacific Time on 23rd September.

To read the complete cfp and to contact the seminar organisers please click here.

Appel à contribution: 27e colloque de l’Association des professeurs de littératures acadienne et québécoise de l’Atlantique (Sudbury, Ontario)

Qu'elle soit prévisible ou fortuite, la rencontre d'universitaires est toujours l'occasion d'un échange, d'un partage, d'une discussion ou d'un débat, tous nourris des points communs et des différents intérêts des chercheurs et des chercheures ainsi que des œuvres sur lesquelles ils et elles se penchent selon les perspectives théoriques qu'ils et elles adoptent et pratiquent.
Sous le thème de la rencontre, qu'elle soit définie comme une expérience fructueuse de l'altérité ou comme une situation conflictuelle, ce colloque se veut une occasion de réunir des chercheurs et chercheures qui s'intéressent aux littératures francophones du Canada et à la littérature québécoise. Ainsi,
nous sollicitons des propositions de communication qui aborderont ce thème dans ses différentes manifestations dans un contexte littéraire, en particulier les problématiques suivantes :
•   la rencontre des textes (intertextualité, transtextualité, allusion, citation…);
•   la rencontre des genres littéraires (transgénéricité, hybridité générique, transfictionnalité…);
•   la rencontre de la littérature et des arts visuels (interdiscipinarité, intermédialité);
•   les langues en contact  (traduction, auto-traduction, plurilinguisme, hétérolinguisme… );
•   la rencontre entre le public et les œuvres (médiation culturelle, lecture, spectature, édition,        diffusion);
•   les poétiques de la rencontre;
•   la rencontre de l’Autre (altérité, autochtonie, immigration, migration).

Veuillez envoyer votre proposition de communication (maximum 250 mots), accompagnée d’une courte notice biographique (50 mots), à au plus tard le 31 janvier 2017.

To read the complete cfp please click here.

Plurilinguisme et auto-traduction : langue perdue, « langue sauvée »

Colloque international. Paris, 21-22 octobre 2016, Salle des Actes, 17, rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris.


10:00-11:15 Autotraduction : cadre théorique, pistes de réflexion
11:45-13:00 Poètes régionaux : centre et périphérie
14:30-15:45 Auteurs exophones qui traduisent leurs propres ouvrages : enjeux identitaires ?
16:15-17:30 Auto-traduction de la poésie ou comment repousser la clôture du texte ?

09:30-10:45 Processus migratoires et leur reflet littéraire : rapports entre langue et exil
11:15-12:30 Pratique du bilinguisme ou changement de langue : où s’arrête la réécriture ?
14:00-15:45 Etre son propre traducteur : transposition ou ré-invention

16:15- 17:45 Rencontre avec des auteurs qui réfléchissent sur le multilinguisme Modérée par Malgorzata Smorag-Goldberg Participants : Luba Jurgenson, Nurith Aviv, Eva Hoffman

17h45- 18h Discussion et conclusions du colloque

To check out the complete program and the speakers please click here.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Update Bibliography on self-translation

The bibliography on self-translation has been updated.
You can download the new version here.
If you have additions to make, please leave a comment.
The next update is scheduled for October 1, 2016.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Interview with Bulgarian-English self-translator Michael Penkov

The Rumpus published a very interesting interview with the Bulgarian-English self-translator Michael Penkov, who has self-translated his short story collection, East of the West as well as recently his new novel Stork Mountain into Bulgarian.

Penkov talks with Christine Pivovar about why he started self-translating, about the textual genesis of his works and about the use of languages during the creation process. As many other writers, Penkov refuses to label his bilingual writing "translation":
"I wouldn’t call it a translation because that would be disrespectful to literary translators throughout the world who try to stay true to the author’s work. I took great liberties with my sentences."
"The two versions are true to each other, meaning you wouldn’t think it’s a completely different book, but there was definitely a moment of rebirth."

To read the complete interview, please click here.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Society for Caribbean Studies 40th Annual Conference University of Newcastle 6-8 July, 2016

Self-translation will be a topic at the Society for Caribbean Studies 40th Annual Conference University of Newcastle 6-8 July, 2016.

Friday 8th July, 9.30-11.30
Laetitia Saint-Loubert: ‘(Self-)translation: a pan-Caribbean condition?’

For more information on the conference please click here.

Second International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS

Self-translation will be a topic at the Second International Conference on Translation Studies ICTS taking place from 21-22 June 2016 at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand.

Mingxing Wang
Translation as renewal and growth - Gao Xingjian's Self-translation at the intersection of languages and cultures

For more information on the conference, please click here.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

cfp Narrating the Self in Self-translation


Narrating the Self in Self-translation
edited by Giorgia Falceri, Eva Gentes, and Elizabete Manterola


This issue aims at investigating how self-translation shapes the writing of multilingual authors in their self-narrations.

We will accept original contributions exploring single case studies, as well as more ample questions related to - but not limited to - for example:

• transcultural / transnational memory in migrant, self-translating writers;
• forms of autobiographical works/language memoirs/autofictions where linguistic and cultural identity are shaped by the passage from native language to acquired language;
• language choice (native vs. acquired; vernacular vs. codified variety) and directionality of the translation process;
• (self-)translation as a thematic device and as a call to literary creation;
• re-self-translation; • reinvention of the self through translation and rewriting;
• (self-)censorship made visible through self-translation.

Contributions on ‘interior’ or ‘mental’ self-translation will not be taken into consideration for this monographic section.

We will accept contributions in Italian, English, French and Spanish.
All potential authors are requested to send a 300-word abstract and a bio-bibliographical note (150 words) to: by July 10th, 2016.
Contributors will receive abstract acceptance by July 30th.
Accepted contributions must be submitted by October 30th, 2016 and will undergo peer review before publication (publication of the issue: May, 2017)

To read the full cfp in Italian (page 1-2) and in English (page 3-4) please click here
The French call for papers has also been published on Fabula.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Conference: Les traductions médiévales à la Renaissance et les auto-traductions

Self-translation will be a main topic on the second day of the conference Les traductions médiévales à la Renaissance et les auto-traductions taking place in Tours, CESR, salle Saint-Martin, 8-9 June 2016.

Thursday 9th June:

Table 1 – Herméneutiques de l’auto-traduction

  • 9h30 – Jean-Jacques Vincencini (Univ. Tours) : Des conditions de possibilité d’auto-traductions au Moyen Âge flamboyant. Intensité du plurilinguisme, statut de la méditation et nouvelles formes d’écriture
  • 9h50 – Anna Maria Babbi (Univ. Verona) : L’auto-traduction au Moyen Âge : mensonges et vérités
  • 10h10 – Discussion & Pause

Table 2 – Pratiques et exemples

  • 10h50 – Marie-Luce Demonet (Univ. Tours) : Étienne Dolet, auto-traducteur bi-frons
  • 11h10  – Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud (Univ. Paris-Ouest) : La Bible et la Theologia deutsch : Castellion et ses « doublets de traduction »
  • 11h30 – Discussion
  • 11h45 – Conclusions

For more information on the conference, please click here.
To download the flyer, please click here.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

New book on self-translation: L'Autotraduction littéraire - Perspectives théoriques

In April a new book collection on self-translation has been published by Garnier Classiques:  L'Autotraduction littéraire - Perspectives théoriques, edited by Alessandra Ferraro and Rainier Grutman.

Alessandra Ferraro et Rainier Grutman
Avant-propos. L’autotraduction littéraire : cadres contextuels et dynamiques textuelles

Première partie Cadres Contextuels
Christian Lagarde
L’autotraduction, exercice contraint? Entre sociolinguistique et sociologie de la littérature
Rainier Grutman
L’autotraduction, de la galerie de portraits à la galaxie des langues
Paola Puccini
La prise en compte du Sujet. Une approche anthropologique de l’autotraduction
Eva Gentes
«… et ainsi j’ai décidé de me traduire ». Les moments déclencheurs dans la vie littéraire des autotraducteurs
Xosé Manuel Dasilva
L’opacité de l’autotraduction entre langues asymétriques

Deuxième partie Dynamiques textuelles
Alessandra Ferraro
«Traduit par l’auteur ». Sur le pacte autotraductif
Valeria Sperti
La traduction littéraire collaborative entre privilège auctorial et contrôle traductif
Chiara Montini
Génétique des textes et autotraduction. Le texte dans tous ses états
Pascale Sardin
Écriture féminine et autotraduction. Entre « occasion délicieuse», mort et jouissance
Christine Lombez
Poésie et autotraduction

ISBN 978-2-8124-3881-3
32.00 €

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Update Bibliography on self-translation

The bibliography on self-translation has been updated.
To download the pdf-file please click here.

If you have any suggestions for further entries, please leave a comment.

The next update is scheduled for 1st of July.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Regional Identities on a Global Scale: Translation, Audiences, Reception

Self-translation will be a topic at the conference Regional Identities on a Global Scale: Translation, Audiences, Reception. Transnational Perspectives in Italian Studies, taking place March 31 – April 2, 2016.
Location: Green College, Coach House, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Saturday 2nd April 9:00-10:30 am:
Anna Casas Aguilar (Whitman College): “From Catalan to Spanish: Paternal Language, Mother Tongue and Self-translation in Terenci Moix’s Works”

Saturday 2nd April 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Rainier Grutman (University of Ottawa): “The Stance of the Self-translator: Looking into Lakhous”

For more information, please click here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Marlene Van Niekerk on self-translation

In a recent interview with The White Review Afrikaans writer Marlene Van Niekerk (*1954) reflects upon her experience of translating her own poems vs. translating poems by Seamus Heaney into Afrikaans:
In translating my own poems, I sometimes take liberties and change things depending on what works out better. I just try to get the spirit and the texture of the thing. With Heaney there is always also the architecture to try and fathom – and then to scale.
To read the complete interview, please click here.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Conference: Collaborative Translation and self-translation

A Workshop at the University of Birmingham Saturday 23 January 2016, 9am - 6pm Room 112, Muirhead Tower, Edgbaston Campus, University of Birmingham. All welcome.
The workshop is funded by CEELBAS and has been organised by Dr Natasha Rulyova under the auspices of the Birmingham Centre for Translation

09:15-11:15 Panel One: Theorising Collaborative Translation and Self-Translation

  • Anthony Cordingley, ‘A Genetic Approach to Self-Translation and Collaborative Translation’ 
  • Julie Hansen, ‘Different Types of Self-Translation, with a Focus on Translingual Writing’ 
  • Eva Gentes, ‘Translating with a Self-Translator: The Many Faces of Collaborative Translation’ 
  • Dr Olga Castro, ‘Self-translation, Power and Activism: the (In-)visible Author-Translator’s Role’ 

11:30-13:00 Panel Two: Collaboration in (Self-)Translation: From German Philosophy to Basque Literature

  • Hilary Brown, ‘Translation, Collaboration and Gender in Early Modern Germany’ 
  • Elizabete Manterola Agirrezabalaga, ‘Collaborative Self-translation in a Diglosic Literature and The Power Implications’ 
  • Duncan Large, ‘Self-Translations by Western Philosophers’ 

13:00-14:00 Working Lunch: Discussion about further development of relevant research and collaborative (!) work on potential large grants

14:00-16:00 Panel Three: Identifying Collaboration (or Lack of It?) in Self-Translation

  • Lyudmila Razumova, ‘Polyvalence of Self-Translation in Vladimir Nabokov’s Writing’ 
  • Alexandra Berlina, ‘Memory and More in Brodsky’s Self-Translations’ 
  • Eugenia Kilbert, ‘(Un)collaborative Self-Translation’ 
  • Natalia Rulyova, ‘Brodsky’s Collaborative Self-Translation’ 

16:00-16:15 Coffee Break

16:15-18:00 Panel Four: Learning from Practitioners: Writers, Translators and Self-Translators

  • Natasha Lvovich, ‘Medication against Nostalgia’ and the Window into Translingual Creative Process’ 
  • Robert Chandler, ‘Researching and Reshaping the Source Text’ 
  • Victor Sonkin, ‘All Roads Lead To… Where? The joys and pitfalls of self-translating a historical guidebook’ 
  • Alexandra Borisenko ‘Translator’s Investigation: Compiling Anthologies of Crime Fiction at the Translation Workshop’

Monday, January 4, 2016

Update Bibliography

The bibliography on self-translation has been updated.
For any additions, please leave a comment.
To access the pdf-file, please click here.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...