Monday, December 12, 2011

Round table with Vassilis Alexakis

Today is Vassilis Alexakis birthday, so all my best wishes to him. Next chance to meet him will be tomorrow in Paris, where he will be one of the participants of a round table on translation and multilingualism.

Round Table: Traduction et multilinguisme
Date: December, 13, 2011 at 10 am
Place: Collège de France, Paris.

The round table is part of a conference on "Diplomatie culturelle" which will take place today and tomorrow. For more information and to follow a live stream of the entire conference, please click here.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

New collection of essays on self-translation

At the conference on self-translation in Perpigan Xosé Manuel Dasilva and Helena Tanqueiro presented a new collection of essays on self-translation, Aproximaciones a la autotraducción, which they both have edited. The book includes contributions among many others by Maria Alice Antunes, Rainier Grutman. Patricia López López-Gay, Valentina Mercuri, Francesc Parcerisas and Julió-César Santoyo. All articles are written in Spanish. To see the list of articles published in the book, please click here.
I especially look forward to read the article on basque self-translation by Elizabete Manterola Agirrezabalaga, who talked about Atxaga's self-translation at the conference in Perpignan. Due to parallel sessions I couldn't attend her talk, so I am looking forward to at least read about her research.

Xosé Manuel Dasilva  y  Helena Tanqueiro (eds.): Aproximaciones a la autotraducción 2011, 262 pp. / 49,00 € ISBN 978-84-15175-18-6a

Impressions from the Perpignan Conference on self-translation

If you missed the conference on self-translation in Perpignan in October, you can read about it in a blog entry (written in French) by Jean-Rene Lasalle, poet and self-translator, who participated in the multilingual round table on self-translation with Francesc Paresias, Philippe Gardy and Antoni Marí. Some contributions of the conference will be published in conference proceedings.

Reasons against self-translation

In an interview with the New York Times the trilingual playwright Jonas Hassen Khemiri’ explains why he opted against self-translating his play from Swedish to English: “It’s almost impossible to translate your own words,” he said. “You need someone who’s a bit rough with the text, who can challenge it and take it for a ride.”

Lecture on Nabokov

Olga Anokhina will give a lecture on Nabokov's trilingual writing on Friday, March 9, 2012 in Paris.

Title: « Traduction et ré-écriture chez Vladimir Nabokov : genèse d’une œuvre en trois langues »
Place: 59/61 rue POUCHET 75017 Paris, 3ème étage. Salle 311
Date: Friday, March 9, 2012


Lecture on Beckett's Mercier et Camier

Chiara Montini will give a lecture on Beckett's self-translation in the case of "Mercier et Camier" on Friday, May 11, 2012 in Paris.

Title: « Ecriture en langue étrangère, autotraduction et traduction. Genèse et réception d'un texte bilingue. Le cas de "Mercier et Camier" de Samuel Beckett »
Place: 59/61 rue POUCHET 75017 Paris, 3ème étage. Salle 311
Date: Friday, May 11, 2012


Monday, November 7, 2011

Self-translation in the Caribbean

For those of you, who are working on self-translation in the Caribbean, the call for papers "Translating the Caribbean" by Small Axe might be interesting:

"We invite contributors working in any of the languages of the Caribbean to participate in a generative conversation surrounding translation and the real and imagined multiculturalism of the Americas in papers that might address (among other topics):
  • language(s) in/and/of exile – class, travel, and writing from the Caribbean
  • francophonie in/and Haiti
  • multilinguality, scholarship, and pedagogy in Caribbean Studies
  • the viability and legitimacy of a designated lingua franca in the Caribbean
  • the relevance of translation to issues of (il)literacy
  • the place of Creole(s) in scholarship of the Caribbean
  • translation and the literary history of the Caribbean
  • translation in Caribbean cultural theory
  • translation and the history of Caribbean journals
  • the limitations of translation: what is untranslatable in the transcolonial Caribbean?
Abstracts of 250-300 words and short bios should be sent to by 15 December 2011. Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by 15 January 2012. Final papers of no more than 6000 words must be submitted 31 May 2012." (source:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Michael Idov

Nearly 2 years ago I posted a link to a blogpost by Michael Idov, in which he wrote about his experience of self-translating his novel Ground up. Two years later his self-translation is now announced to be a topic at the 2012 AATSEEL Conference which will take place in January 2012 in Seattle:
January 6, 1:45pm-3:30pm
6C-5 Panel: Slavic Culture and Translation
Panelist: Adrian Wanner, Pennsylvania State U
Title: From Ground Up to Kofemolka: Michael Idov’s Self-Translation 

Journée d'étude Alexakis - Un romancier entre deux cultures

A journée d'étude on Vassilis Alexakis will take place in Amiens, France on Friday 25 November. Now the program has been published. There will be 5 talks during the day, 2 focusing on self-translation:

  • Ligia Ferreira - Sao Paulo : « Migrations littéraires : auto-traduction et dialogues interculturels entre le sujet auteur et ses langues : le cas de Vassilis Alexakis »
  • Alain Ausoni - Oxford :: « Une explication avec la langue française : autobiographie et translinguisme chez Vassilis Alexakis»
Vassilis Alexakis will be present at the end of the journée d'étude at 4 pm. The event takes place at the Bibliothèque Louis Aragon, Rue de la République, Amiens, France.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Black Hat: On Self-Translation and Freedom

Just the other day I was trying to find self-translations from Inuit languages, but I was not successful. A few minutes ago, I found a blogpost by Olafur Gunnarsson, who apparently self-translates between Icelandic and English. Although Icelandic is not an Inuit language, my list of self-translators now reached the North....
So if you are interested, in what Olafur Gunnarsson has to tell about the black hat and his experience as a self-translator, please visit the wonderful blog WordsWithoutBorders.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Conference "Le choix du vulgaire : france, Italie, Espagne (XIIIe-XVI siècles)"

Self-translation will be a topic at the Conference "Le choix du vulgaire : france, Italie, Espagne (XIIIe-XVI siècles)" taking place at Paris, France from 17.11.2011 - 18.11.2011.

The whole session on Friday morning is dedicated to self-translation:
Pratiques de l’auto-traduction
  • 9h30-10h00 : Lucia Bertolini, (Université de Florence) : « Latino-volgare e viceversa : le autotraduzioni a Firenze fra XV e XVI ».
  • 10h45-11h15 : Jean-Pierre Jardin, (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) : « De la Regum Hispanorum Anacephaleosis (1456) à la Genealogía de los Reyes (1463) : deux projets pour une seule oeuvre ? ».
  • 11h30-12h : Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud (Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense) : « Du latin au français, du dialogue au récit de pèlerinage : Jean du Blioul et son entreprise d’auto-traduction à la fin du XVIe siècle »

For more information on the conference, please click here.

Conference "Traduction et partages"

Self-translation will be a topic at the Conference "Traduction et partages: que pensons-nous devoir transmettre ?" taking place at Bordeaux, France from 27.10.2011 - 29.10.2011.

On Thursday, 27.10.11 at 10.30am:
Robert Kahn (Université de Rouen) « La vieille loi de la vénerie : Walter Benjamin et l’auto-traduction »

On Friday, 28.10.11 at 2.00 pm
- Rainier Grutman (Université d’Ottawa, Canada) « Qui a peur de Nancy Huston? Autotraduction et auctoritas »

For more information on the conference, please click here

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Bilinguisme, double culture, littératures

- Traversées poétiques des langues et des écritures" is the title of another interesting blog to discover, where you can find information on conferences, interviews and some self-portraits of bilingual authors which mainly include quotes on the topic of language choice and bilingualism taken from their published works.

Monday, September 5, 2011

La Francopolyphonie

I would like to introduce to a great blog called La Francopolyphonie.
La Francopolyphonie is a yearly peer-reviewed journal.
You can find free access to all issues and articles on this blog.

There are many, many interesting articles, some also on self-translation as for instance:
Tamara CEBAN, La problématique de l’autotraduction chez Panaït Istrati
or on self-translators like Alexakis:
Elena-Branduşa STEICIUC, Vassilis Alexakis: le passage d’une langue à l’autre 

The articles are written in Romanian or French.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

61th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference

Self-translation will be a topic at the 61th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, taking place from 29 September - 1st October 2011at the Auburn University in Alabama:

30 September 11:30am
Marianne Bessy: Les catégories de littératures 'française' et 'francophone' face aux bilinguisme d'écriture et à l'autotraduction : résistance et déstabilisation.

Conference "Literary Dislocations / Déplacements littéraires"

Self-translation will be a topic at the 4th International REELC/ENCLS Congress: "Literary Dislocations / Déplacements littéraires" from 01.09.2011 - 03.09.2011.

Saturday, September 3rd
Christine Lombez (France): Soi-même comme un autre : déplacements de l’énonciation au cours du processus d’autotraduction (V. Alexakis, Paris-Athènes)

For more information please click here.

"Self-translation is never innocent..."

I just came across a very interesting blog entry by Ken MacLeod about a panel discussion on the Gaelic-English self-translator Sorley MacLean at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2011.
The main topic according to these notes was the "'doube-edged sword' of translation and the parlous situation of the Gaelic language". Please read his blog entry to learn more about it.

For further information on Gaelic-English self-translation I highly recommend to read the works by Corinna Krause:

  • Krause, Corinna (2005): Finding the Poem – Modern Gaelic Verse and the Contact Zone. In: Forum 1 ‘Origins and Originality’. Edinburgh University. Online available.
  • Krause, Corinna (2005): Translating Gaelic Scotland. The culture of translation in the context of modern Scottish Gaelic Literature. Paper presented at the Fourth Mercator International Symposium on Minority Languages, Aberystwyth, 26–28 October.
  • Krause, Corinna (2008): Voicing the Minority: Self-translation and the Quest for the Voice in a Scottish Gaelic Context. In: Paschalis Nikolaou, Maria-Venetia Kyritsi, und Mona Baker (eds.): Translating Selves. Experience and Identity between languages. London: Continuum, pp. 125–140.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vassilis Alexakis - Un romancier entre deux cultures

"Vassilis Alexakis - Un romancier entre deux cultures" is the title of a one-day conference at the public library in Amiens (France) on Friday, 25/11/2011, organized by  Bernard Alavoine, MCF, University Picardie Jules Verne. For more information please click here.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Program conference Perpignan

The preliminary programm of the conference on self-translation in Perpignan has now been published. The program looks very promising and includes speakers like Julio-César Santoyo, Rainier Grutman, Helena Tanqueiro and Christian Lagarde. Topics include self-translators like Nancy Huston, Eileen Chang, Samuel Beckett, Panait Istrati, Anne Weber and many more. On Friday Francesc Parcerisas will chair a discussion round table with the self-translators Carme Riera and Antoni Marí.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Conference "Briding Cultures"

At the XIX Congress of the International Federation of Translators"Bridging Cultures", taking place from 1.-4. August 2011 in San Francisco, will be at least one presentation on self-translation:

Victoria Lipina: Vladimir Nabokov's Self-Translation: A Drama of Reunion
(Wednesday, 4:00pm-4:30pm; Advanced; Presented in: English)

The presentation will focus on the challenges of dealing with the translation-creation activity of Vladimir Nabokov. When examining the Russian and English versions of Nabokov's Lolita, and the nature of discordancy between the texts, the presenter finds that the Russian version of the novel is not a fairly close translation. In comparison to Nabokov's Mashen'ka and Priglashenie na kazn, Lolita is an independent text.

To see the full programm, please click here.

Conference: Literature & Translation, Australia

Self-translation will be the topic of a panel at the conference "Literature and Translation" which will take place from 11 to 12 July 2011 in Melbourne, Australia:

The panel (chair: Marc Orlando) consists of the following contributions:

‘Tawada Yoko does not exist’: Yoko Tawada’s translations

Translation of poetry from English to Indonesian: the case study of ‘Leaving Beirut’ / ‘Meninggalkan Beirut

The twenty-year masterclass: Paul Celan’s correspondence with Gisèle Celan-Lestrange

Click here to see the full program.

CFP: Nancy Huston

Nancy Huston: the Multiple Self
Institut du Monde Anglophone, Université Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris 3, France - 8-9 June 2012
Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2011

The following topics have been suggested:

1. Self-translation
- The process of self-translation and the relationship to the mother tongue
- The status of self-translation
- The question of fidelity and infidelity in translation; fidelity to whom, to what?
- Bilingual "brothers" : Samuel Beckett, Romain Gary
2. Feminism, the body and maternity
3. The question of individual or collective identity and that of multiple identities
4. The language of exile
- The relation to that which is foreign
- The dialectics of sameness and otherness at the heart of translation
- Self-translation as writing between two languages: a position at the edge
5. The role of the writer, of literature and of translation

Click here to find the call for papers.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Writing in French

Today I would like to present you the book "La langue française vue d'ailleurs" which consists of 100 interviews conducted by Patrice Martin and Christophe Drevet with writers from all over the world who chose to write in French. The book has been published by Tarik Editions in 2001 and is based on the radio emission "La Langue française vue d'ailleurs" (MEDI 1). Each interview is about two to three pages long and focuses on the questions of bilingualism and the choice of their literary language. Each interview is accompanied by a few bio- and bibliographical information on the writer. Amongst the 100 writers are also a few self-translators, namely Vassilis Alexakis, Rachid Boudjedra, Nancy Huston and Anne Weber.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Anne Weber in Düsseldorf

I am very happy to host a lecture with the German-French self-translator Anne Weber on 18th June at 8pm in the zakk, Düsseldorf, Germany. She will present the German version of her new book "August" and will also read from her translation of Pierre Michon "Das Leben der kleinen Toten".

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jorge Semprún

Today is a sad day. The Spanish-French writer and self-translator Jorge Semprún passed away...
Read here the obituary of El País.

In an interview with Patricia López López-Gay he has talked about his self-translation of Federico Sanchez vous salue bien/Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes: "Bueno, la libertad del autotraductor es total, hay que refrenarla, limitarla. Supongo que para todo autotraductor, la tentación sería el escribir un libro diferente. [...] no sé, en un libro autotraducido me permitiría cambiar el orden de las cosas, con el tiempo pasado; permite corregirse."

LÓPEZ LÓPEZ-GAY, P., “Conversación con Jorge Semprún. Sobre autotraducción: de los recuerdos y sus formas de reescritura”, Quaderns: revista de traducció, 16, 2009, pp. 157-164.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Franco Biondi

Franco Biondi, born in 1947 in Italy, immigrated to Germany in 1965 where he still lives. He started writing literature in Italian but now mostly writes in German. In 2005 he has published a self-translated bilingual edition of Italian-German poetry Giri e rigiri. The first part consists of poems originally written in Italian and translated by the author into German, whereas in the second part the poems were originally written in German and self-translated into Italian.

Click here to read an interview with Biondi (in German), in which he talks about his choice to write in German and the difficulties he had to face.
You can find more information on Biondi and also articles about his works (some written in English and Italian) on his homepage.

Nancy Huston in Romania

The centre culturel français de Cluj has invited Nancy Huston to Romania. She will read on 2nd June, 2011 at 10 a.m. at the University and at 5 p.m. at the centre culturel.
For more information click here

Monday, May 23, 2011

Updated version of bibliography online

An updated version of the bibliography on self-translation is now online.
Everyone is invited to contribute to the bibliography.

UPDATE: The website is currently down. It will be back online with an updated version of the bibliography in September 2012.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Atelier de traduction - special issue on self-translation

The special issue on self-translation of the Romanian journal Atelier de traduction n°7 (2007) is available online as a pdf-file. The dossier consists of 18 articles on self-translation covering a wide range of self-translators like Beckett, Semprún, Mavrodin, Nabokov, Istrati and Goldini.

De l’autotraducció en poesia

For those of you who can read Catalan:
On the blog Quaderns de Lavínia, Rosa Delor has written an article on self-translation in the case of Jordi Vintró's bilingual poetry collection Insuficiència mitral (Editorial Lumen, Barcelona, 1997, bilingual edition). Unfortunately I don't understand much of it, but what I found striking was that Jordi Vintró commented on the blog entry!
As far as I know this is the only time Vintró self-translated.
You can read a fragment of Insuficiència mitral in Catalan and Spanish here.

New blog on self-translation in India

Anil Pinto, who is researching on self-translation in India, recently started a blog on self-translation in India. The URL of his blog is really close to this one:
Those who wish to contribute to the blog are welcome to do so.

Follow this blog by email

I just added a new gadget which allows you to get an email alert everytime I make a new post.
Just enter your email at the top of the right side of this blog.

Self-translation and migration

Self-translation and migration is the topic of the new issue (n°5) "L'autotraduzione nelle letterature migranti" of the journal Oltreoceano edited by Alessandra Ferraro (@Alessandra Ferraro: Molte grazie per la copia!!), which has just been presented by Prof. Grutman on Friday, 20 May at Udine, Italy.

The main language of the journal is Italian, but a few articles in English and Spanish are also included. As not much information is (yet) available online, I will give you an overview of the content of the journal:
The first section (6 articles) is on self-translators in Canada, namely Mario Duliani, Dôre Michelut, Gianna Patriarca, Marco Micone, Antonio D'Alfonso and Nancy Huston.
The second part consists of three articles on self-translators in Latin America like Carlo Coccioli, whereas in the third section self-translation in Italy is being discussed in one article.
The last article gives additional biobibliographical information on the self-translators which have been quoted in the previous articles.

Silvana Serafin: Editorale (p.7)
Alessandra Ferraro: Migrare e riscriversi (p.9)
Fabiana Fusco: Le 'migrazioni linguistiche' e l'autotraduzione di Mario Duliani (p.15)
Deborah Saidero: Self-Translation as Transcultural Re-Inscription of Identity in Dôre Michelut and Gianna Patriarca (p. 31)
Paola Puccini: Origine e originale. Esperienza di migrazione e di autotraduzione a confronto nell'opera di Marco Micone (p.41)
Alessandra Ferraro: Tradursi: In Italics/ En Italiques di Antonio d'Alfonso (p.55)
Anna Lapetina: L'unicità dissimile. Il carattere musicale dell'autotraduzione in Plainsong / Cantiques des Plaines di Nancy Huston (p.67)
Valeria Sperti: Lo scarto linguistico in Lignes de faille di Nancy Huston (p.81)
America Latina
Sagrario del Río Zamudio: Breve análisis sobre la autotraducción en América Latina (p.91)
Irina Bajini: Messicani per scelta o ispanografi per vocazione? Il caso di Carlo Coccioli, Fabio Morabito, Francesca Gargallo e Marco Perilli (p.103)
Biagio D'Angelo: Confessioni di un italiano. Alcune osservazioni sull'autotraduzione (p.113)
Rita Wilson: Transplanted Subjects. Self-translation Processes in Translingual Narratives (p.125)

Andrea Schincariol: Cenni biobibliografici sugli autori migranti citati (p.139)

Journal: Oltreoceano
Issue: n°5
Title: L'autotraduzione nelle letterature migranti
Editor: Alessandra Ferraro
Publication Date: 05/2011
ISSN: 1972-4527
20,00 Euro

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First day conference bologna

Today is the first day of the self-translation conference in Bologna.
I am really looking forward to it as the contributions are given in English today.

Here is the program for today:
14,00 Saluti delle autorità Apertura di Umberto ECO e Susan BASSNETT
15,30 Sessione 1: Approcci teorici all’autotraduzione Chair: Keir ELAM (Università di Bologna) Peeter TOROP (Università di Tartu) Conceptual Field of Self-Translation
Rainier GRUTMAN (Università di Ottawa) Beckett and Beyond: Self-Translation as a Global Phenomenon
16,30-17,00 Pausa
Anthony CORDINGLEY (Università di Paris VIII) The Passion of Self-Translation: a Masocritical Perspective
Laura SALMON (Università di Genova) The Self-Translation Process: an Epistemic Cognitive Approach
Paolo LEONARDI (Università di Bologna) The Indeterminacy of Translation Starts at Home

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conference "Traduction et francophonie"

Self-translation will be a topic on the conference "Traduction et francophonie" which will take place from 16 -17 May 2011 in Suceava, Romania:

Anca CHETRARIU (Université « Ştefan cel Mare », Suceava):
L’autotraduction – une réécriture ? Le cas d’Irina Mavrodin

To learn more about Irina Mavrodin, I recommend to read an interview she has given Muguras Constantinescu and which has been published in Quaderns, n° 16 (2009) p. 165-16.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Alexakis book presentation in Lyon, France

Vassilis Alexakis will present his new book Le premier mot on Saturday, 21st May at 4pm at the FNAC in Lyon, France.

Monday, May 9, 2011

lecture "A sociological look at self-translation (in and outside of Canada)"

Prof Grutman will give a talk on "A sociological look at self-translation (in and outside of Canada)" at the University Graz on Monday, 23 May at 7pm, ITAT, ÜR. 1.102.

For more information click here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Conference on self-translation in Bologna

I am really looking forward to the conference on self-translation "Autotraduzione. Testi e Contesti" in Bologna, Italy from 17- 19 May.
For more information visit their homepage! No conference fee!
The conference will be opened by Umberto Eco and Susan Bassnett.
Speakers include R. Grutman, H. Tanqueiro, X. M. Dasilva, P. Puccini and many more.
Topics include the following self-translators: Federman, Nabokov, Dorfman, Klüger, Micone, Huston, D'Alfonso, Gary and many more.
Link to the conference programm.
Link to the conference abstracts.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lecture: The Denial of Self-translation

Sara Kippur, Assistant Professor of French at Trinity College, will speak about "The Denial of Self-Translation" at 4:30 p.m. on April 13 in the Alumni House of the Amherst College, Massachusetts.
Here is the official announcement from their website:
"Professor Kippur's talk explores why authors write the same book in two languages. While many authors since Samuel Beckett have embraced the practice of self-translation between French and another language, they nonetheless have found ways to "deny" or undermine their very projects. Professor Kippur considers such authors-- including Raymond Federman, Nancy Huston and Jorge Semprun --and asks what it is about self-translation that makes it difficult for writers and critics to affirm as a literary art form. This event is sponsored by the French Department and the Amherst College Lecture Fund."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Alexakis: Exorciser l'exil

A shortened version of the dissertation by Marianne Bessy on Vassilis Alexakis will be published by Rodopi next month. On the editor's homepage you can take a look at the content of the book.
It is the first book-length study of Alexakis bilingual work and I can highly recommend reading it.
I presented the dissertation about 2 years ago on another blog post. The free online version of the dissertation to which I refered in my previous post has been removed from the site.

Lecture: Canadian Multiculturalism and Female Writings of the Other

Dr. Anna Pia De Luca, Università di Udine, will speak about Canadian Multiculturalism and Female Writings of the Other with focus on Italian-Canadian women writers at the University of Bologna:
Bologna – Dip.LLSM (Sala Convegni) – Via Cartoleria, 5, April 6, 2011 10:15 am

Please click here for more information.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Raymond Federman

I am thinking much of Raymond Federman these days. How he kept me motivated during my research for my diploma thesis, how he still influences my research today and how much I miss the possibility to just write him an email again.
I recently came across a blog post by Arie Altena - he translated the The Voice in the Closet into Dutch- in which he is sharing his personal memories of Federman and of his translation:
"he specifically urged me to be free with the translation, to feel free to turn it into flowing Dutch".

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Call for papers: International Symposium Self-translation

The international symposium on self-translation: Borders of language and culture will take place in Perpignan, France from October 20, 2011 – October 22, 2011. Submissions should be sent before February, 14 2011 to the following address: , or though the conference website.

For information in English, click here. For information in French, please check the conference website.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New book by Anne Weber

Anne Weber has written a new book "Auguste" (French) / "August" (German). The French version has already been published in January, the German version is announced for March.

You can find a discussion of the French version by Laure Depretto on [Link removed, no longer active]
Information about the German version can be found on the homepage of her publisher Fischer Verlag.

Lectures by Anne Weber in France and Austria

The German-French self-translator Anne Weber will present her book „Tous mes voeux“/ „Luft und Liebe“at several occasions in France next month:

  • Tuesday 8 february 2011, 6:30pm Goethe-Institut Nancy, 39 rue de Ravinelle (free entry)
  • Monday, 7 february 2011, 6:30pm Librairie Géronimo, 2 rue Ambroise Thomas, Metz (free entry)
  • Wednesday, 9 february 2011, 6:30pm Médiathèque Jean Falala, 2 rue des Fuseliers, Reims free entry)
  • For more information, please click here.
and in Vienna, Austria:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Literary self-translation, exile and dialogism: the multilingual works of Vassilis Alexakis

Eleftheria Tassiopoulos has now published an article on Alexakis based on her lecture presented at the conference “New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies” held in Tarragona in 2009.
Her article Literary self-translation, exile and dialogism: the multilingual works of Vassilis Alexakis is available online.
Referring to Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, she discusses two of his works Talgo (fiction) and Les Mots étrangers (autofiction).

How a Poet Translates His Own Poetry

Yihai Chen writes his poems in English and Chinese. In How a Poet Translates His Own Poetry (you have to scroll down for the English version) he tells about his experience of editing a bilingual edition of his poems and therefore translating a selection of his poems in both directions. As a self-translator he feels privileged because he "knows the author and the text much better than anyone else". Although he rises some important questions: "Which is more faithful, the poet’s own translation or a professional translator’s? Does a poet translator encounter the same problems of cultural transfer as other translators do? Is his or her strategy in solving such problems different from that of other translators?", he unfortunately does not answer them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Interview with Vassilis Alexakis

Yesterday Vassilis Alexakis talked about his new book "Le premier mot" at France Inter Cosmopolitaine. If you missed it, you will soon have the possibility to listen to the whole broadcasting on the website from France Inter-Cosmopolitaine. Meanwhile you could listen to an interview about his new new book, which he gave to RFI in september last year.

Nancy Huston: Goldberg Variations adapted

At Paris you can see an adaptation of the French version of The Goldberg Variations from 6th January till 6th March at La Folie Théâtre.

PhD Position in Literary Self-translation from and into Ukrainian (University Amsterdam)

Project Description : The PhD project is associated with an ongoing research project at ARTES about the translation activities of the Ukrain...